Jungle Hunter 87 healing roar and predator laugh


  1. change Jungle Hunter 87 healing roar to the one from the 1987 movie

  2. add short predator laugh to mimicry wheel (for reference: in Aliens vs Predator 2 when predator did a headshot with a speargun to the marine, he laughed)


Not asking for “Anytime” on his mimicry wheel?


It was pretty good when they had the music from the medikit scene in the first movie , no idea why they removed it


Only pred laugh we need for everyone is MKX’s.

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To the wheel right? Cuz if you wanna change all Death Laughs, you obviously don’t know why they do it, it’s a eternal mocking to Billy 1v1 Match with Jungle Hunter, your basically changing lore, ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

La risa de billy sole

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That would be dope