Why can’t we buy or earn this class?? This is what Predator Hunting Grounds is missing! I love the franchise. The first movie is still my favorite. I refuse to do 1v1’s with any Dutch player until I have the Jungle Hunter Class. It doesn’t feel right and I feel like I’m not playing Predator. Please give us that class as an update, store purchase, or let us earn it through veritanium. Please IllFonic.
Jungle Hunter 87?
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no jungle hunter for you
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Pre order
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You can buy this class though…
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But it needs to say “Jungle Hunter 87”! It has to have the clean armor! It doesn’t matter if its literally the EXACT same as Captured, its about the name!
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Jungle Hunter 87 is available on PSN Store
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I learned so was all the dlc to PS5 I’m so glad and I pre ordered the five so I get the 87 as well Wooooooo!
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