Jungle Hunter should be obtainable

I don’t get why people want JH so badly. Oh you want to look like the OG pred while you’re getting fucking BLASTED 100-0 in two seconds and die horrificly by an OP FT in a buggy mess of a “game”?


your tastes suck, concrete jungle is better in every way, play concrete jungle or extinction for example

triggers their completionist brain when they own every pred except the preorder one

The days of people reselling exclusive preorder content at 1000x the value isnt over



So shut up and don’t complain and enjoy this shit game that bothers you

Here is some Jungle Hunter videos for those that don’t have him:

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sighs Guess I’ll just copy paste this from the other thread

ATTENTION EVERYONE: Heres how to get JH87 if you think non pre-orders should have him:

Take one part Iron Oxide (Rust) and grind it down into a fine powder. Take an equal part Aluminum and grind it down into a fine powder as well in a separate container. The amount you require will change depending on PC/Console size and container size, but the container should be filled so that the PC/Console is no longer visible and is covered by 1-2 inches of solution.
Mix the two together equally, place your PC or Console in the lower third, and utilize a fuze of approximately 2 feet, which should allow time to get behind sufficient cover.
The thermite will burn at 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, and should adequately solve the problem of not being able to play PHG as JH87, as you will no longer be able to play PHG. We have effectively circumvented all possibilities of not playing as JH87 while playing PHG, creating a 100% effective solution.


One big fucking hole coming right up

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Jjajaja you are a bad shadow

should be obtainable