Jungle Hunter Vs Crucified Predator

In their primes, who do you think would win in a fight?
Jungle Hunter Predator

Crucified Predator

  • Jungle Hunter Predator
  • Crucified Predator

0 voters

This is a tough call considering for all we know they are both the same except one got captured and killed and the other won his fight, got cocky, then killed. In my biased opinion Iā€™m going to say JH because it seems as though in captureds prime he was beaten and then crucified and thatā€™s presumably with help from other preds.


One of the main simple ways I can reason it, is a lot of people tend to consider Mr Black Predator as more powerful than the Jungle Hunter, and only below Wolf in terms of prowess, so -
With the knowledge that to actually capture the Crucified Predator, it took all the efforts of Mr Black, Falconer and Trackerā€™s hounds, along with traps set up, to capture the Crucified Predator in the first place, and he still put up a great fight against Mr Black despite being strung up on the totem for god knows how long and Mr Black using his Plasma Caster, that with this new knowledge it may make people think differently

Okay wait are we talking 1 on 1 fight or in game?

1 on 1 fight because Crucified Predator isnā€™t in the game technically

If you want my explanation say

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Is he French predado? šŸ‡«šŸ‡· šŸ¤”

Oh, wee wee le baguette šŸ¤ŒšŸ»

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Obviously Jungle Hunter because the other guy got caught and strung him up like a piƱata

cruci who?

This is actually a hard one because while Jungle Hunter has a Novel statement that states he pretty much Hunted everywhere in the Galaxy and was uber experienced for a Pred, Crucified isnā€™t no bitch and practically gave Black a run for his money with his state in the film.

Jungle Hunter however would use his Plasma Catser while Crucified wouldnā€™t, so i canā€™t see Cru winning right away, he would probably punch out JH in close quarters.

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Imma have to go Crucified, his overwhelming strength plus his experience when it comes to fighting other Yautjaā€™s would put JH to shame. Before CP was captured he took down a group of Super Predators before being captured by the remaining Bad Bloods (Tracker, Falconer, and Mr.Black).

Also Crucified is in the game just named Captured (idk why they called him that, I think they forgot his name.)

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May have wanted to avoid using the term crucified so they went with captured instead. Either term would be correct especially with the context of the pack heā€™s in.

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Fair, plus I think Crucified was the Fandoms name for the character. Predator characters usually have two names: The ones the Studios give the creature & the ones the Fandom gives the creature.

Captured Predator in game is technically not the Crucified Predator. Pull up his bio in game and read what it says very carefully.
Heck, screenshot it and throw it in here if you want and Iā€™ll point it out

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Please show, collage internet wonā€™t let me into PHGā€™s

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crucified pred


"This unknown Predator of the Jungle Hunter clan WEARS THE MASK OF the Captured Predator "

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Huh Iā€™ll be damned, so itā€™s someone who respected Crucified so much he honored his memory by wearing his mask. Interesting šŸ§ tells you alot about Crucified and what he meant to the Jungle Hunter Clan

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With that being said then thereā€™s no real way to determine if the captured is even at the same skill level as crucified. For all we know he could be a rookie who just really liked the guy.


It certainly presents a lot of theories

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Further strengthening my theory of Crucified being much more deadly than some people think