Just found out some Shit about the Alpha class

I completely agree alpha has to be a mix of to classes if where paying I don’t just want a reskin of the pred

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To be fair recon was always terrible with no reason to pick it even without dutch. Low hp classes = bad, which is its own balancing issue.
Low hp pred scout = not neccessarily bad.
Predator has more of a niche that atleast works to some extent compared to mixmatched fireteams giving you a clear and obvious idea of what’s strongest.

Beserker? Low mobility, low stamina, big hitbox, extremely vulnerable second wind.
Scout? Low hp so its allowed to have high stamina, high mobility, high energy reserves, short overload.

When you mix and match the weaknesses here there’s no point in playing the pred with low hp and high mobility if you can play a pred with medium hp and high mobility & huge energy bar. There’s more leeway with the fireteam. Predators have tradeoffs and FT doesnt because any of them can use any weapon to full efficency. You jump in to melee 4 people with scout and you’re going to run into a lot more trouble than a zerk would.

ok just let me stop you there Scout with a team that knows what their doing scout is VERY good you can Chase the predator across the whole map if you want to. so when you second wind him as a scout that predator is going to have a rough time getting away also scout can stun lock the predator by Parrying over and over so no i disagree low hp classes has its uses

what??? yea they do? you wanna be sonic? die in 1-2 hits you wanna be sneaky? die in 1-2 hits you wanna be plane jane? you can have more hits, you wanna be tanky? move slow as balls.

i FULLY disagree with that one there is Trade offs and thats my exact point dutch has no Trade offs no real bad thing about him i guess less gear but the only gear you need is needles and he can bring that so i argue no he has no down sides yet your defending adding in pay to win stuff. just why? remember battle front 2? you want this game to go that way? thats where its heading!

think about it we already have the loot boxes. we already have the classes with their own stats the only thing left is too see if were ok with stuff like that. ( not saying the dutch dlc is that but i not shooting down that idea either) if we tell em " Yea! we’ll buy anything!!" then there gonna start adding in Paided loot boxes for content and then removing anyway to get loot boxes normaly in game and you have to pay for it.

i just want the game to be all items or classes that Can Change the game and how its Played IN ANY WAY AT ALL. to be free. then make skins and such Paided. that way you can support the game but your not getting any wins for it either. instead you just look like a baller

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Alpha Predator will probably be a mixture of Scout and Hunter.
And no, Dutch doesn’t have support hp, nor recon speed. He ain’t as op as you make it sound, sorry.
I’d wish he was but isn’t.
He’s just a new assault class really.
Neither is his gun.


you know you’re discussing game balance with a roleplayer right


Lol? support has 175hp dutch as 160 add in thick skin Bamm 175hp ergo dutch has Support hp Recon moves at 20metters a second Dutch moves at 20 metters a second go test it ;)

and his gun it self is not no but when you add the fact it isnt just a gun its a launcher and a gun then is it is you have both the power of the lmg and the rate of the fire of the LMG only less rounds a clip then you have the old Impact launcher again Ergo Heamerhead assault rifle= op

2+2=4 simple math my guy ;)

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You don’t need to run down the pred with 4 dutch’s or lmg supports because if even half of you are aiming at the pred he’s melted instantly faster than he can even arm the self destruct. “Chasing down the predator” with double time on your scout is a meme 2 man pubstomp thing and isn’t vital to any kind of serious team composition. That scout gets headshot a single time and is instantly downed and now a liability if you’re playing seriously.

Lol “running slow” isn’t a trade off when you can just pull your knife out. It’s not like support can’t run snipers or shotguns or miniguns or is locked to a specific weaponbvb or cant parry. No they get all the hp and get to bring all the gear while taking an additional 1 to 2 hits to kill across the board. That is not a tradeoff. Oh boy they get 1 perk instead of 3 when perks are largely useless. Support is by far still the strongest thing in the game.

Meanwhile a scout swinging a combistick? Parried, dead 1v1.

Assault has 150 hp ,add thick skin and call him a support too so wtf are talking about?
Like 10 hp is not a big difference tbh.
His grenade launcher deals really low damage and reloads really slow. His basic gun is just a GSL-R gun or whatever it was called but weaker I think.
Like really ,jeez.
Dutch is good against flocks of AI and that’s about it really.


So your saying your For pay to win?

oh god what is this world coming too

Rememer Mario 64? and how you paided 10 bucks and got the full game nothing to make it any easyer for you? or how about Splinter cell chaos theory? and how that game was just a joy to play right form day one? for how about Zelda twilight princess and how much content and fun that was again no dlc.

ah man the good old days where Game devs cared about what they were making and Players knew what they wanted.

I played since launch and I still haven’t managed to learn how to parry and I’m not eager to do it either because it would probably make it stupidly easy and I’m not down to this kind of stuff…

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are you dense or are you trying to prove my point? you just pretty pointed out the only thing you need to do is use either support spam or dutch spam or a mix of both love how you didnt even talk about the other 3 classes and tryed to say their pointless, see your stuck here now you do see that dont you? its pretty much your saying " your right dutch is a bit too much" or your saying " the lower hp classes has its reasons to be picked" your in a corner here. you wanna re think your answer there man?

i didnt say assault has support hp i said dutch does what are you on about?

If Dutch spam is a winner we all can pick assault literally win every match from now on because it’s the same thing. 150 hp, instead of 160 and not a dlc, let’s go.

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To be honest, I don’t see much supporting the idea that Dutch being a Class and Hammerhead being in the game to be that oppressive. Illfonic learned their lesson from the Grenade Launcher, and it isn’t that powerful enough to immediately blast Pred into paste. I’ve domed a Zerker in the head with Bane as Dutch/Hammerhead and it didn’t do much.

Dude if you didn’t even understand what I said I’m really asking myself if I should still replay in this post…
I said that if you think dutch has support’s health, you should say that assault has support health because the difference between dutch and assault is only of 10 hp.

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Yep pretty much. Just like half of the fireteam’s arsenal is useless with no niche because they have longass time to kill and no reason to use it unless you’re roleplaying, when theres guns that take 5 sec to kill pred solo.

Never said the game was balanced but theres no reason to further imbalance it and go full P2W by introducing beserkers with scout’s mobility and energy reserves lol.

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Tested that also 15% in one shot? thats low too you? uh? ok? i dont know what to say about that one.

and lets say your right and its not that good ok? lets just say it isnt ok? you still have more ammo because of that launcher then any other rifle in the game how is that not power creep im stuned you think having a gun that changed the meta ( based on my guns both as fire team and predator) where i can bet you 2 of every fire team team has the rifle on. your saying they picked it because it looked cool? do you know the internet at all? they think whats most effective and then spam it why do you think you see more supports befor this update then any other class in the game?

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Ask @Draedark. I’ve tagged this mate so many times because of people complaining about this uselessly…
He tested it with other players and posted some images that show the underbarrel damage is extremely low. 5%-ish

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The grenade launcher has 10 and you only use it against AI, the rifle has 30/270, or 30/240 something like that.

with that logic support isnt that tanky its only 25hp more then assault whats the big deal? your neck is cut? let me put a bandadd on it its just a paper cut its only 15 millimetres deeper whats the big deal?

see why that logic doesnt work yet?