Not sure if its a Place holder or not but incase its not i wanted too adress this as this would make alot of people mad but, form my PS4 friend that some how glitched the game to get his Alpha predator class, he told me that the stats are the same as the hunter. just in case this isnt a place holder and this is intended
if they drop another 10$ DLC and we can a Skin for the hunter class and the warclub ima be pissed.
the fire team got Dutch witch wasnt just a skin he had the benefits of assault support and Recon. in one class the Health of Support with the Movement speed/perks of Recon with the Hip fire of assault.
so if they drop an skin for the predator that doesnt do anything along the same lines and is just a skin, i’ll uninstall epic. Im Dead serious. your giving pay to win options too the fire team but no love to the predator just skins? i would no joke walk form this game so fast man. im already pissed that the new sickle is the same as the Warclub both in Damage per attack and Per second. so if the class it self is just 87 predator only as an Alpha predator i’ll be done.
Whats your guys thoughts on this News? would you be ok with the devs just Re-selling you something thats in the game already calling it a class while giving you No real reason to pick said class aside form it looks good?