Just remove this stupid lame game

tell me something new illfonic ass licker

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only simple minded people can say get guuuuuud because if they get hurt in there feelings if you put the treuth in there face …

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if i do 6 hits with my disc in my hand and the player runs around like nothing but can shoot you in 2 seconds than you say this game is perfect ???come on the only illfonic do is making more paid dlc and try to get our money out of our pockets…did they ever listened to us wich we prefer as game mode and feedback we present to them ??not 1 did …what did we get more op ft perks or ft charachters but decent maps and some decent play mode ???1 year 1 map and 1 game mode …but paid dlcs one after the other wich are all the same if you have dutch 87 you have dutch 2025 and dante and you have to pay for each seperatly hahahahahahahah you are blind m8te

Predator isnt allowed to do damage and most of his weapons are garbage because the fireteams in public matches suck.

Look I remember you, and I know you remember orune is just an asshole on here lmao.

Hes an ft main who cries preds op since the start xD.

Just ignore him.

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Oh boy you never change do you, you piece of shit?