I’m sorry for anything I’ve done to you. making you angry hurting your feelings etc.
What I’m trying to say is we need to put all our hatred toward each other behind us and move on forget about everything.


C’est gentil mais il est trop tard vous m’avez donner un coup de couteau et vous dites désolé je ne voulais pas cela est un peu facile surtout que à cause de vous tout le monde veut ma peau et me vois comme une mauvaise personne

It’s ok that you hate me I deserve it, I was mean to you but everyone else and there comments they aren’t my fault. But I can’t change your mind I truly am sorry and if you hate me and wish harm upon me it’s fine just know I’m not gonna bother you.

Méchante you girl ???

Nope I’m a male @TheSenate has heard my voice

Ah ok ok

Ive been away from the forums for a few days but there are so many JH87 posts from this guy I was under the Impression the Devs came out and said that they were not going to re-release him? Didn’t they?

Yep see below.


Je vois qu’il continue à polluer mes topics je doit en refaire un en espérant que celui la ne sera pas polluer ou j’en referait un nouveau

I’m not talking to you I’m answering his question.

non tu continue ne pollue plus mes topics sinon je devrait en créer de nouveaux merci

Get over yourself. I don’t give two fucks for your pointless crusade. All I did was answer his question if that triggers you feel free to get butt hurt.

Et moi je temmerde et je continuerai à ouvrir d’autres topic et en refaire jusqu’à temps que vous arrêtiez de les polluer c’est pourtant clair

You do you buddy idc.

Yeah see I thought so, also my bad, wasn’t trying to blow this all up again I was just kind of shocked to the sheer volume of posts and reposts about this topic, which I thought was dead.

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No need to apologize for this cunt he was gonna start shit regardless of what anyone said.

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Where did you find that?

Oh well there you go, I guess they thought the amount of posts was excessive as well.
Now if only they would get back to me about…
😜 @OldKingHamlet