I’ve read couple of comments related to this but haven’t come across a real discussion yet and obviously since there’s no discussion…there seems to be no problem and therefore no solution or fix if you may…
I’m talking about leaving the match prematurely (because you got killed and now are angry/upset/disappointed etc.etc.):
1.Predator leaves before FT secure the body therefore nobody in FT gets the kill and no XP for securing the body; I would say, I’m observing it in ~ 30% of the matches I play as FT… I mean WTF man, you lost it - take it on the chin and learn from your mistakes…we all mess it up
2.FT member leaves the match before Predators finishes the claim - Predator doesn’t get the XP… observed not as often as the first point but still on plenty of occasions… c’mon - be a good sport, if you messed up the parry or just got killed due to million different reasons just stick around… either for the Reinforcement of FT or for Predator to get the XP; You can actually learn quite a lot from observing FT play from a side
Any thoughts/comments more than welcome!
I guess what I’m aiming at:
A - the opposite party gets the points nevertheless of the leavers
B - leaver gets some sort of short term ban (idk…15min 1st time, 30min the etc.)
C - any other ideas?
mega_devastator - feel free to friend up and run some matches together