less than 5 min mission and back to the chopper

Me who can end a match in the first 3 minutes but drags it out and toys with ft because I sure as hell am not waiting 7-10 minutes to join a 2 minute match:
Laughs in Palpatine


James Cameron was unaware that a game could possibly last more than 2 minutes. James Cameron only went to 2 minutes once and for the first 90 seconds he was AFK. What the hell are you all doing for all this time?

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Lol must have ran into me and my squad if we get a mission we can fast complete like the ine on backwater thats all in the same camp we do.
One player will kill the tech officer and steal
The drives while the other blows the radar things on top of the buildings. Then all is left is the c4 charge on the door and the. Kill that dude collect data and we out. Have been able to finish that mission in 2:45 seconds with pump house spawn

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How is getting more aggressive related to getting better? Taking your time has its bonus against certain teams. This game isn’t a hunt sadly

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Because he’s talking about time running out, so in order to kill ft faster he needs to be more agressive. You can’t kill ft fast if you hide and wait.

This is why I play clash lol, ain’t gotta worry about FT speeding through missions there. But you can get 3 shotted as a pred on there so maybe it’s not better lol 🤷‍♂️

Yeah I was hoping that on the new map, illfonic would realize putting all objectives in one spot was a bad idea but apparently not. I think what they need to do is spread out the objectives and make them harder to find within the camps, like not having any markers on the objectives

It’s not hiding, it’s waiting yeah. A game like this should have different play styles, bide your time and weaken the team and seize opportunity, running in is the only viable game plan by the above logic. You should have the choice of play style is my point.

Offense or defence to a degree

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