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A good Pred will figure out who to take out first and how to engage.

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pretty sure the ps4 players that hes playing with are not bad.

Yes. I was referring to your vid. The peed should have been on your ass after the first few shots. You were mudded up well, but still there were gaps. He only approached you once and one other time when you went after him after second wind. He was still decent though. You did well to avoid netgun too. But that was his trump card

this is not a look at me videoā€¦ itā€™s a skill gap diff and console vs pc difference that will never be in favor of ps4ā€¦ reason why is the movement speed is to fast for consoles to track.

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I get that, still there are PS4 preds that can deal with a partially PC FT. Thatā€™s quite an accomplishment. Maybe those PC FTs are not that good, buy the gap can be breached to some extent by git gud.

Plus, although PC FT pre-mades are a nightmare to all preds, the aiming delay closes the gap when itā€™s PS Pred vs PS FT pre-mades. The balance there is not to bad, I think

I hope so too lol

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Medium anti alaising + fooliage + Shadow + post processing is enough

I mean view distance is huge

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Ps4 is like low on pc as I saw

Sawz + Bane illfonic. Also thise Pred movements were trash , he was so easy to hit. But even against a good Predator , if Hunter, 5 shots and itā€™s second wind .šŸ˜‚

I accept the challenge, I will destroy all the fireteam as an elder.

off topic, are you still working on pred helmet/mask?

i knowā€¦ its no different as I hit the preds no matter what movement.
Its stupidly retarded design

o yahā€¦ for sure

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nothing yets as were waiting on our titatinumā€¦ the molds and castering have been done since august
Like I said the vido were making for this is all in production and will be released as one vid in far future

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just dont be stingy with updates like you know who

as this game turns to assā€¦ the investors actually want to change the molding to possibly the new dark souls elden ring gameā€¦ Thats all I can tell you atm. Since we do have casting for pred maskā€¦ we will do some resign stuff possibly. All I can say is i even talked to investers and told them this game doesnt not have popularity and it may be not a good idea.

Thats fair. Hope it pans out. But if not, it canā€™t be helped.