I think the illfonic “heros” should make the FT more strong, 2 uneven the game mutch more.
It is not like, the predator has enough bugs, what he is fighting 2, since the start of this game.
But hey, the wait time of predator is better now and i cant imagine why.

I think the uncloak granade and the spy drone is not enough, Illfonic shoul make the predator, when he is in stealth, mutch more noisy, the best would be he would not stop making noises all the time or let him hoist a flag, a big glowing one, its nearly the same.

Why should a hunter to be FUCKING QUIET and stealthy, when he can run and jump like a monkey on crack??? -> Greate Illlfonic

The next thing are the boars, they shoul despawn more quickly and run mutch faster of him and glitch over hills…
I dont FUCKING KNOW why this little fuckers despawn at all, but Illfonic like it realistic.
I would love 2 know what crazy motherfu**er had the genius idea, to spawn the boars only right next 2 FT.
Sometimes, they dont spawn the whole game, this is the best, take them out.

The FT are stupid, they dont know that and leave predators allone, especially the Pro-Players, they r dumb as hell and never react on quicking boars right next to them!!!

The weapons of the predator must be mutch more nerfed, because they kill human and we dont want that shit, because ALL LIFES MATTER, ESPECIALLY the life of the FT, so maybe not ALL lifes.

Next are the NPCs, they r 2 strong and really hurt the FT, so make them weaker, or better, let them team up with FT agains predator, because only HUMAN LIFE MATTER.
Ohhh, what a nice massage!

Next point is the speed of the fireteam, i think they must b mutch faster, so they can outrun the 2.5m predator and when they cant they go in meele combat and butcher this alienscum with theire viktorinox knife.
The tracking of the wirstblades is fucked up anyway.
I really love the idea of a 2.5m tall and 200kg predator vs 1.8m 80kg human, witch slaughters the predator with a toothpick.

So make them stronger and u will c the wait time will b shorter 4 predator.

Ah and i 4get to say THANK U 4 your fucking generous FREE UPDATES!

Update-Day is a suprise day, i think they stole the idea from microsoft.

U dont fix the most old bugs, but bring us FUCKInG FREE new great bugs in the game, some of them r gamebreaking and they exist since the beginning of phg!!!

Lets make predator hunbting grounds greate again and fuck this game completly up.

Give us new shit nobodys asked 4 and new greate bugs we all love and appreciate.

Lol. Try to not let it get you down.

Did I just read a nervous breakdown?.


Honestly feels like it. I kind of get it man.
Pred is hell to pull off atm.

Theres a few of us who can adapt and push through. But most ppl it’s like trying to break through a wall head first.

I find my own fun, but it really isnt fun when the odds are so heavily stacked against you.

So when I see stuff like this, I literally feel bad for these people.

I ran into @Dentdesabre earlier he wiped me and my team before we hit the first objective. Granted they didn’t listen to a word I said or take it seriously but then again that’s how most pub games are.

It’s why I feel we need a separate mode for Pre-made’s, the game is impossible to balance when there is such a huge discrepancy in player skill.


Sadly it’s how random game are and i should have left you a chance to renforce the but with the patch letting FT renforce us basicly a death sentence si yeah sorry buddy xD

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No it’s not. I still let them reinforce.
Tho if I see slasher, I’m long claiming him. He plays when I’m not on cause hes scared.


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Depend of the team I guess but running on more than 10 premade team a say quickly change your mindset trust me. Also that and the fact that I’m tired to give chance to potato player who cant even properly aim a damn AI

So yeah 50/50

It happens with premades too.
But more often than not I let the last guy or last 2 finish their mission.

More often than not, I let the ft win.
See with me, if i see that there is clearly no agression towards me, I dont attack the ft lol.

Just how I am.

I wouldn’t give me a chance either. It was a GG. No hard feelings.

When the skill of all players is nearly the same, the predator has a big problem, because he fights so many bugs 2 and i cant c that illfonic is fixing them.

Allone the wirstblade bug, takes me out of stealth, stops my movement and makes leaps to a slam.
This gamebreaking bug exists since the start of this game.

Boars r a big problem and this since beginng 2.

I reall like the most of the game, but the support of the delvelopers SUCKS BIG HAIRY BALLS.

And advertising theire Patches as --> FREE PATCHES <— is a fucking naughtiness joke.

They sold a unfinished game and act like patrons with theire --> FREE PATCHES <— witch bring more bugs and did not solve the gamebreaking stuff.

I really looked forward the new maps and MODs but now i fear the patchday, because i think they will fuck it up.

What in the flying hell did i just read

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Everyone knows my pred tactics are retarded and have huge success. This is my new main


This is my second wind city hunter with 2 min impatient cooldown and major autism

Dont be too aggressive in Pub dude (saying the guy that has killed yerstarday a team in 49 secs at 14’11 on Overgrouth 😂), just play a troll class. I started using Berserker with Warclub and Net Gun 😈

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But but eye of god team ryn after my ass and rekt me in two minute on backwater qwq

The Fireteam already is very powerful
You are joking I think

shits happen

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Bastard XDDDDD

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