They need to give him his whip and hand held plasma caster and his laser mines and come up with a new perk where he has two plasma casters and can use em at the same time and when you equip the hand held it turns one of his shoulder casters into a hand held just like in the movie and add his shurikens like come on illfonic if you want more players give us more options for predators equipment and designs and characters plus give us more human characters to play as simple as that if you give the players what they want you could easily wipe the floor with other games.
Let's talk about wolf
never going happen
He doesn’t need that much firepower for humans
Samhain isn’t human.
All preds on phg need more firepower lol
The pistol with wolf was so fine before nerf
Yes he does lol he’s a cleaner he’s supposed to have gear
Ya for Xenomorphs duh, you see any Xenomorphs in this game? lol 😂 know your lore my guy lol
Lol dont matter he’s a cleaner has to be prepared for anything plus he needs his shurikens don’t be hating cause you don’t want a real op predator
Have u seen the fireteam, u need everything I can get
Bruh I’ve been asking for those shurikens long before you suggested that but we have to think logically, also bruh don’t matter if he’s a cleaner that’s his side gig, the wolf we are playing is just doing some casual hunting, imagine hunters going hunting with full Military kit? It’s overkill my guy!
That’s because of whining FT potatoes thinking the Pred is to hard so the developers are trying to target market them instead of sticking to the theme of the game
They kinda have to why Cater to the fee of us when there is a bunch of new Xbox shitters. I’ve played pubs a lot the past couple days, the randoms have never been worse at the game than now
Then don’t expect new wolf stuff because they will never let this game be for Pred players again