Level 100 then what?

Why don’t we have any perks for reaching level 100?

Sure we get a mythic skin and outfit but what is the point of earning xp from this point on?

Why don’t you make it that after level 100 every 100xp = 3 veritanium?
75xp = 1 veritanium?

This way the players who have finished have more reason to play and earn xp.

Another idea could be throwing knives or a heavy melee attack (using the butt of a rifle).

Maybe make the impact option on the grenade launcher a mod to be equipped. You need to earn it by a certain level and must be impact or delayed. This will change gameplay and force players to choose only one option.


hmm… 90 veritanium for 3000 xp? are u sure? Probably make a little bit more?

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After level 100 = get new game

Yeah it could be more but keep in mind if it’s much more the game and collecting items will finish too quick

We need a prestige type system so we can keep leveling up and earn new exclusive things


Before post smth read 1.07 changelist. It already implemented

Cheers for the reference didn’t know where this was. If they do implement these it will get me back playing more than a couple hours a week.

There should definitely be a prestige system of sorts.