Load out reset.

Ps4, I play alot so first time I’m having major problems. Load outs been reset to defaults. Mostly the dlc load outs the first time. I have a disk not a download. I deleted the game off my ps4 ,redownloaded it and did not work. Redone all presets to what I had before and a few days later I’m looking at the problem again. Help please.
- Ray heath- XxCyberVeNoM88xX

What level are you? When I first got the game I had bought the city hunter and any loadouts with the combistick, wrist gauntlet etc. would reset after every match but when I unlocked the combistick my loadouts saved. I assume this happened because I hadn’t unlocked those weapons yet and the game got confused

You can acktchually use it to your advantage and bug your loadout so you get different specs otherwise unavailable like dualist on a support.