Looking for people

Not everyone can be me unfortunately but you can try, I mean you’re gonna crash and burn and burn and crash but you can try.

Is this position still open? I am not that good at playing fireteam, but I am good at creating builds. It mostly evens out, and the result is fairly powerful.

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Yes, would you be willing to play with me?

you got friends to play PHG?

Yes, 1. But he’s never really on when I play. And, if he is, he never responds to my messages.

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i tell everytime my friends to get phg to play private matches to have fun but never so i quiet playing the game and waiting for awesome dlcs!

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Well, I’ll play with you. I’d love to play with a friend, if your up for it.

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I suck so bad at this game I quit playing because of that.

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The hell you are! Dude, everytime I watch your Twitch on this game your good!

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Lucky shots…🤐

Gladly. I am usually on around 2:30pm - 5:00pm. I may have to drop out of a match occasionally, though. in any case, my player ID is skelios90.

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Actually, if you are in America that will actually be between 8:30 and 11:00 (AM, I think).

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sure why not

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everyone is good in PHG

My ID is YautjaSymbiote

I’m on American central time

Awesome! You must UK time then. I probably won’t be on today but I’ll most definitely be on later in the week.

Awesome, what’s your ID?

How about tomorrow? Send an invite if there’s room. Note: I’m on console and it refuses to do crossplay, for some reason.

but i will download phg next week until i get my money want to buy the dlc!

I sent u fr