Looks like we got our “ancient predator” on the way
another egyptian pred?
is that cleo’s man? lol
i dont see it on the store though, got a link ?
i could have guessed it. It had to be edgyptian…and wasn’t Cleo…so what would it be?and I thought…the big dog head. Anubus isnt even human tier…so this is clearly a cosmetic design and not even lore based.
oh found but link seems broken
Ha so it is Egyptian. Still…ew.
Seems like someone messed up in the studio and prematurely released the link lol
looks fine though, but clearly they are smoking a bit to much of the reefer.
yea looks like it, but if you google it you can find several pics from epic
Holy shit you’re right, also new plasma pistol skin
fucking shit
@NomadClan good guess on ancient or ahab but illfonic has managed to screw up yet again
You’ve got to be kidding me.
After closer inspection that mask is kinda cool. Would look sick with alpha locks. Bet this Pred will still be shit though
he is decribed as death itself lol
lets see how it goes vs the ft
god of death will be hunted down
Took my best guess, at least the Predator LOOKS really cool, and they finally gave the Predator Plasma Pistol a new Variant Skin. Guess we wait to see how he plays compared to Cleo and the others now.
I see they also listened to the backlash of making the mask cooler and more Egyptian, I remember Cleo getting shit on for her mask design.
Knifed to death 🔪
Looks awful. At this point just put them in suits.
So we couldnt get wolf plasma pistol skin but we get one woth this guy? Cum on already
in our dreams…
Hope for today !