- Items show invisible
- Big Predator Feet
- Duplicates
Loot Box’s still not working
ThEy’Re NoT lOOt bOXEs! SuRpRiSe mechANIcs!
Well at least we don’t have to pay real money for them x’D
I still hate field lockers though lol
If you pay money even virtually it’s loot box’s 😔
Sure, but it’s not a gambling analog when it’s limited to an in-game currency that has no other use. I can’t see any difference to the random drops you get from chests or enemies in older games, or random spawns in things like Pokemon, aside from the fact that you do it in a menu between games.
Sometimes it opens a lot box with nothing in. I mean it’s something in but not shown correctly looks like it’s an empty box
Boxes: health boxes are not all usable in the game. Some don’t let me open them. Big bug. Especially annoying when you are low in health
What, you don’t like feet?