I ended up winning the match and will post the link to the fight here but I went against low mercy and low mercy savage and the end result was absolutely insane, I’m friends with them as well so it was a good match all around and ggs to be had afterward. I know everyone hates everyone and alot of people here don’t like low mercy but I choose to have no enemies overall.
Low mercy match, most insane ending.
This is the tiktok edit and i’ll post the yt version as
May make a full blown meme edit but idk yet.
This is the un tiktok edited fight, on yt. I can only record 3 min at a time so if you see jumps that’s why and if you see jumps between heals it’s to save time on clips.
is “low mercy wolf” part of them ?
Yes he was the last one I killed
Wait second last, he was the one with the Nolan helmet
The ending was probably the most clutch moment I’ll ever get out of this game, I downed two and those two bodies body blocked wolf long enough for me to pop a heal
ah makes sense, went vs his pred, they all seem to rely mainly on hook or sickle
Yea, I have a hard time having fun with the sickle or net gun, I mainly use combi and disc or combi and bow. Watching your vids I got pretty decent understanding of the quick draw bow tech from cqc, it’s become a good favorite of mine.
AHahhah, why the hell did he let you pull this off or wait, were his teammates blocking him in the fist place, lmao.
I body blocked a door on a pred last night as well and owned the poor fellow, not sure if a random teammate body blocked the second exit, since it was a two door compound or the pred just panicked in SW.
Can’t tell if some of them tried to troll you or that was shear panic, maybe both haahhaha.
GG! :D
Haha, it was body blocked by the two downed players. Gave me just enough leeway to pop off a heal, my brain clicked when I saw he couldn’t move past them and I was like alright we are gonna gamble xD
Yes I got the correct read on the second watch I guess.
Fun match!
Heck yeah, I thought I was cooked and then I guess they got too comfortable and thought for sure I was goner. But I’m like a cave diver with opportunity, if there is a 5% survival rate I’ll take it xD.
Ye, at your attack they hard panicked, Nolan was blocking his teammates to get out, then they tried to focus you properly even though they were not healthy, you kick two butts with a nice collateral and they end up blocking the Nolan guy that instigated this outplay attempt with door block, by the time they react, you pulled the heal off and trying to end you with knife was another mistake or troll attempt.
You capitalize and bring it home.
How the tables have turned.
Wild macro and micro plays/missplays, haha.
Yea that was probably the most clutch moment I’ve ever and or will ever have in PHG everything aligned right. If it were off by an inch I would’ve just been dead to rights. They would’ve cooked me like a bayou bowl with Cajun spice.
Late to the party, but yea that was a legendary match 😂