Common illfonics get a alien planet made man with the 3 predators hunting the soldiers and other species getting dropped from a plane in a crate and landing on the planet. Get to the other soldiers and get to trapped hung up predator and release him collect his tech and team up with it and kill the 3 preds then to get the ship and fuck off home we need this it would be epic and get dutch and the other dude can’t mind his name who defeats the predator on predators. It’s a big ask but that would be insanely good people would buy things and you’d make yer money. You have the predators made so people can select 3 predators to get hunted by. This jungle is getting so tedious as hell man. We need something else in it. Its needed it’s a MASSIVE ASK THIS but it’s insanely needed to be added it would be soooooooooooo good. And please make it quickly ITS SO FRUSTRATING COS ITS SUCH A BRILLIANT IDEA TO HAVE IN YOUR GAME. I love the game pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase add it in. ASAP we are choking for a change in the game and this is fucking class if it where added.
Make a alien planet need it soooooooo bad
The sooner you realize this isn’t going to happen, the better off you will be. Since apparently you have an aneurysm when you do.
I know but can only hope it’s an idea
Take it from me pal and I’m new here but what are made as ideas here stay as ideas here…but we can hold onto them for what could’ve been if the Devs actually listened to what we want compared to what they want
Or in case the Devs get replaced by someone that actually cares
I hope something happens its got to happen it’s to good of a thing to fuck it all up and leave it and us hanging. Thing is it can make so much money if done right. And It can be so much enjoyable that nothing can compare to it. So much ideas can come into play. But I hear you mate
Illfonic are you seeing this cos we need what we ask for and it’s a waste of a game and effort if no fans are being listened too cos the fan base of this franchise is absolutely massive and more than you can imagine we need what we are asking. A response to the forum or here would be good so we know youse are listening. It’s pretty frustrating that nothing has happened or moved forward and the fans in the forum are well pissed. Make us happy man
If a go fund me page was made to receive funds from to make the game better and proof of making the the game better with our funds in the go fund me page I’d certainly fund the page for this game to.made better with new stuff added constantly
Fund something that you already paid for??
You’re delusional.
As if 15 pound is gonna get far. Per person think it about it. Delusional some boy
Yes you are delusional.
I don’t even need to explain why.
Aye OK.
It’s an idea wether they take it on board or not it’s just an idea noones delusional I can see that you wouldn’t dip into your pockets anyway haha
Listen here.
I said i wouldn’t explain. But i will.
This game is on since mid 2020. First PS4 and Epic. Then Steam.
From then lots of patches. Lot’s of money-grab DLC’s. A new game released on last gen consoles and expanded do Xbox. All of that was paid. No free DLC’s. Nothing. Even who had the PS4 version of the game “had” to buy the PS5 version. After all the patches and games and whatever, major bugs and glitches still here even after dozens os fans and players reported here on the forums.
So yes, i’m not gonna dip into my pockets to fund this game.
And yes, after all this you thinking that a fund me page will solve anything or even bring this game back to life makes you delusional.
Ok brother you make sense