Mandalor the hell out of the Predator franchise.

The mandalorian straightly rips off the series of movies called lone Wolf and cub. Which is not in all too original idea in itself. But it’s essentially the exact same thing.
Ex: see Star wars stolen from " The Hidden Fortress" nothing in creation is new

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From what the show, shows, yeah he’s pretty incompetent with how many times he gets shot and hurt, especially when he should know better from experiences.
No idea what you mean by having others watch your kids when i never talked about that, i said he sucked at being the bodyguard of that “kid he’s protecting”, he leaves him alone way too often and also bring danger to him way too often.
I don’t care whatever honor he’s supposed to abide by, it doesn’t change what he is.
What do you mean " You’re not a real fan", i never pretended to be…whatever being a " Real fan " is supposed to mean, and even then, isn’t a “Real fan” supposed to be passionate and critical about what he likes ? Even if it means disliking something made for him ?
You’re not making any sense.

I just hope it’s actually good, unlike this show.
Thanks for the heads-up.

Honestly I really loved it, the first movie had a weird sex scene in it that eventually paid off but it made me feel all weird… But quality writing and if you’re into old movies you’ll really enjoy it. Please let me know what you think I’m very interested in your opinion on it

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WTF this isn’t a action movie with explosives and flying cars he’s a person and people make mistakes

He’s not a body guard he’s his dad, when mandalorians adopt they make them foundlings which they talk about in the first season you obviously weren’t paying attention

What a loving father oh sorry you never had good experiences and good this show isn’t for you so don’t bash what you don’t understand kid

It’s definetly an action show, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many actions scenes…are you sure that i’m the one “not understanding” stuff ?

Also him making mistakes would be fair…if he wasn’t constantly fucking up stuff that a bounty hunter should do flawlessly.



  1. Drama

  2. Space Western

  3. Adventure fiction

Also why don’t you give me examples of his mistakes then

I… already did.

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Leaving his kid? True it’s not acceptable you are right Also I’m sorry I’m so hostile miss plz forgive my behavior maybe I should have approached as a fellow viewer instead a judgmental ass hole bows

Hey guys…
Remember when this thread was about conceptualizing a series based on the Predator franchise?
I sure do!

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Yeah, let’s make a good show and stand far away from Mando as possible.

What would you like to see in a Predator series?
Is it even possible since the Predator species is presented as a villain / monster in the movies?