another similar move made the Netflix Heman thing possible.Not saying that was bad or anything. just that it wasn’t meaning to sell action figures or is it?
Most importantly, why aren’t they making new properties?
Why are they going to old things- are they staples in most shops? They don’t sell every year. So what is the point in these endless revivals? The fans of the original will simple criticize it. And children who buy it will endlessly hear about it from their parents.
I think this is a business problem that investors just don’t seem to understand. At the end of the day, the style is more important than reviving the IP. If they could update the style and make new ip, wouldn’t they be in a better position? I know they aren’t japan because everything in japan seems to stay in vogue. But then IP in Japan are vast and probably are funded by independent studios from around the world in disguise.
Just saying, western production houses sometimes go to japan to distribute their processes and you never know where they end up being produced, at the end of the day they slap a label on everything.
Alas, another problem is the market in the north America. They simply can’t maintain a cogent ecosystem of financially feasable items to keep businesses that sell comics afloat. They use to sell candy, but now candy is a thing of the past. So unless the Walmarts contribute to selling this shit, then they don’t have a prayer.
Another problem now is the comicbook stores who think they can survive but they can’t.
DC and Marvel now are boutique! they don’t serialized their comics the way they use to in the 90s, but more so try to survive on fine art styles painterly stuff that people don’t undestand because they are frought with SJW motifs. The people who are trying to sell it are leaders who aren’t common idols but more like oddball people who are hard to digest in the first place.
Now those comicbook stores are placed on the financial net earnings of niche markets. Seems like they always were.
But to put it into perspective, if they could they could make a lot of money and influence alot of people. Probably not a good thing where young people and adults fork over a sizable amount of money for serialized comics and make a bunch of dummies rich people. You’d have a problem in itself.
Probably a good thing that dumb asses didn’t make alot of money off of this shit. Even if the shit was ‘the shit’.