Can we please just get rid of it altogether and just increase base match rewards, perhaps tie them to performance?
It makes playing with PUGs impossible, since you can always count of one of them breaking from the group to go loot it. Sometimes it’s even the whole group, since you end up having to follow them to avoid getting picked off.
Matches shouldn’t turn into a scavenger hunt where you are also required to herd cats.
There’s always that one match where the FT could have won if only the missing person was there, rather than halfway across the map for that sick extra 50 Veritanium.
We shouldn’t have to deal with an element that actively encourages solo play. I get that this helps Predators by separating the FT, but it shouldn’t be so rewarding for the FT to throw the whole game.
I main Pred and it just sucks to wait five minutes to jump into a two minute game where the entire FT is split all over the map for easy pickings.