MASS Contemplates your Existence: Does you Cain or Does you Abel?

Do you be the bro that gets killed for being a loving bro?
or are you be the Abel, the guy who kills his own brother and walks the desert as a messiah with a messiah complex…eventually being a Jesus-wanna-be.

If your asking kill or be killed, why do you think blood relation would change my answer?

Lord imma let Denzel tell ‘em.

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Why did that priest infer god was white (and a picture of jesus was shown, they are not the same)? Was it just a hostile retort towards Denzels character? that he himself was guilty of being insultingly ignorant of?

At least you got that right man, but that is not the topic of discussion.

i’m not even sure if i got the mythology correct though. Who recalls ancient china mythology?

Ok that’s enough liquor for u mass

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I is never done! Discussions! i have never made gauraenteeds that I would be sober ever. so there

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Right on mayne

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Mass at least Google your stuff before posting misinformation.

Abel didn’t kill Cain, it was the other way around. God favoured Abel and Cain killed him out of jelousy, thus becoming the first killer.

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jueebuz fucking chirst is that true?! You couldn’t just made that up just to contest me!..shit.

Does Abel have anything to do with the 10 laws of robotics by any chance? or is that another Chinese fable?

Google is your friend if you don’t believe me. Contest? You lost when you made this nonsense thread.

Don’t make me summon @Fire

That one always bored me so I never remember who did what.

But you don’t go around and present it as a fact. I guess Mass was snorting snow again, it’s that time of the year.

Its mass bro.
Hes always on crack xD

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It’s always that time of year when you play with your nose

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