McKenna DLC

So, im thinking i possible next DLC character… And i end up to McKenna.
Why? Heres Why…
Boyd holdbrook can give his voice…
His alive as predator movie character…
Hes cool, with good quotes… (Light him up)
Predator hunting grounds is “sequel” to the predator 2018 remember son of Peter Keyes?? His tapes are in the game…
And he manage to kill a predator…
OK i know… The predator 2018 is not a good movie at least for fans of the series like me… But mckenna is a good soldier and if i remember well he was a recon… You know, with his sniper first scene… Anyway, Just my opinion…


Issue with him though as his character has “ownership” of the predator killer armour. And no one wants that popping up.


I just did not really care for his character, I’d rather they bring in anyone else even if they died in their movies since jungle hunter (1987) is in the game and that fucker blew up.


I’d rather the ‘Tourette’s guy’ then McKenna.


Please no it would be such a waste of a slot for DLC. McKenna was not likeable at all and was just a blank slate. He wasnt cool or Macho in the slightest. Id rather have Traeger. At least he was somewhat entertaining.

Awful film didnt care for it.

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This is what I’d like to see happen over time.

Each Hero aka Predator Survivor could bring new weapons to the game similar to what @IllFonic did for Dutch. Example, Lt Harrigan might have the Civil War era Black Powder Pistol, and a Smart Disc that can only be used like a knife and thrown like a frisbee sans the controls a Predator has with it.


I hate all these characters. They all suck.

lol entitled to your opinion. My favorites aside from obviously Dutch is Danny Glover as Lt Harrigan & Adrian Brody as Royce.


The Bible guy.

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True… Royce could be a good DLC.


I’d like this list. I’d really love to see Harrigan next. But it’d also be cool to see the entire OG fireteam from the original film.

Honestly, in the end I feel like I’d just want to see every main/good character from the Predator universe in this game. It’d be so good.



“Fuck me in the ass with an Aardvark”

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Don’t bring the abomination the last move was into this franchise. This game and everything build around it feels more or less like a good reboot and should just ignore everything about the last movie. The story and everything was just bad and I hope they retcon it for the sake of the franchise.

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Yup, my hero is Ghost XD

I’d like to see Mac, Dillon and the gang too… but they’re creating a narrative progressing forward based on the film franchise arch which includes causality.

Unfortunately, I think only the survivors I listed would fit that narrative not characters that were killed.



I want Alexa Woods from AVP

Imma say no thanks cause that movie is an aids platter. If they choose to add ANYTHING from that film before addressing the other 2 films fans actually like, I’d be a lillll disappointed