Message to Illfonic Devs

LMAO I still enjoy combat.
Good fights are awesome.

But omg I completely understand what you mean.
So many games I play now when its story parts I’m just like, omfg I dont care.

Very rare i actually pay attention to stories now a days.

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Medical attention.


Same, half of the time I don’t really know what’s going on. Just give me something to defeat and make it challenging

Which thread is it in?

Uh, touching PPs is more or @Forever_Mello’s gig. One of them should be able to help you out.

But you never heard of the Jamaican civil war?

No~! Bitch you made it up!

Just doesn’t work anymore. Can’t post it.the drunk flying one.


Oh okay, oh well I guess, just a gif

Skill issue
I also dropped the black bars out of it for a more seamless experience.

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I don’t remember the movies that well, but why does Boba Fett (im assuming it’s him, or as it is now said,
‘im assuming its they’ as not to preclude the gender; annoys thd hell out of m ) crash into the ship. Did his jet pack malfunction?

P.s. i did look up the spelling on Boba Fett to not seem like a complete fool, though ur might be too late

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Are you assuming gender?
In 2023?
You fucking bigot.


Han was blind and managed to essentially noscope him with a pike straight to the jet pack.
I’m guessing he hit the control module.

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I am. It’s crazy tho that the only place I here this all the time is fgc commentators of all things. Nowhere else really. I not watch tv programming much but AM radio while driving or may YouTube channels don’t really subscribe to this. But, fgc does.

Thanks for the explanation. I was as confused as with the gender assignment to people. ‘he looks like a male. Dresses and behaves like a male. So I’ll address his a a a male or as they, just to be sure, that I’m not sure…’

There is only male and female genders

Fair, but you don’t know what a person identified as. It might look one way on the outside, but you don’t know what’s under the hood. Then theses always hermaphrodites or folks with genetic error that make it difficult to tell.

I identify as a God now bow before me and hermaphrodites are a myth have you actually seen one?

I have not, but they are mentioned in med literature (have both gonads) . God on the other hand is a myth as far as we can tell, borne out of fears, hopes and psychological needs.

Fine, hermaphrodites are anecdotal as far as statistics go, but still you don’t know how a person that ties their hardest, dress, accessories or hormones/surgery wants to be referred to.