Might that really be...

…that, on PC, there is some kind of auto-aiming in melee when using mouse and keyboard and there is none when using the controller?

A friend (PC) and I (PS4) wanted to try out the different feeling for a PC player, when melee-ing with mouse&keyboard vs melee-ing with controller on PC.

So we fought twice in a private match, once PC with mouse&keyboard against PS4 with controller and after that the very same setup, but with PC with controller against PS4 with controller.

The outcome was quite clear: with mouse&keyboard I was dead before I could say “ah” - but with controller I managed to live through the complete battle!

Due to my friend, this mainly was not due to the controlling being worse with the controller in general - but due to the fact, that the predator with m&k seems to do some auto aiming in melee and with controller not.

He said, with controller, although he aimed well, the predator often just hit the air and with m&k every beat hit the soldier.

As I never played PC and as I only very seldom play the Predator myself, I have no explanation for this – does anybody of you have one?

Thanks in advance and cheerio

Come on guys, did nobody of you try that out yet? Really? No idea?

the melee of a pred has auto tracking the whole time. On PS4 and PC
there is no difference

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Thanks for the answer! Any idea, why one and the same person manages to hit during melee whole the time (with m&k) and does not manage to do the same with controller? Is there any further, unknown resp. not so obvious mechanics here?

no sorry. Maybe the person is better with m&k than controller ^^
but it should be the same.
but there are also tracking “issues” sometimes the auto tracing of melee is weird and buggy and you cant hit anything. And sometimes it is working very well. Illfonic has to fix a lot!

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Hmmm, maybe we really should repeat the test - it indeed might have been an occasional bug which accidentally just occured when melee-ing with the controller. That would be nasty…

But we, at least, are quite sure, that this nearly never happens with m&k and quite often happens with controller…

Thats interesting
keep me informed when you test it!

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Melee tracking is inconsistent for all weapons and it really needs to be fixed. One of these days Illfonic will get around to fixing the melee tracking

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