Millitary outpost, new gameplay mechanics and total AI overhaul for stargazer AI bots

millitary outpost:
so basically instead of leaving the match entirely (which would lead to you leaving your teammates) when you finish a match you along with your teammates would instead be transported back to a special Millitary outpost in which you could do so many activities including playing cards, going to the shooting range, go to the local village (in which you could play soccer with the local kids, drink at the local pub, buy some new equipment, etc.), clean your weapons, etc. If players want to start another match they would all have to go to the barracks room to sleep (or just wait for the helicopter to return for a night mission) so that they could skip the day and when they wake up in the morning there would be a helicopter at the Helipad as well as the commanding officer waiting for you to accept a new mission/contract.

New gameplay mechanics:

The maps are to be connected so that it would form one giant map with the only thing separating eachother being extremely dense jungle and large winding rivers which are infested with caimens, anaconda’s and piranhas.

Like helldivers 2 you would get real life updates on how OWLF is doing so that it feels like your part of the same community and that you are actually making a impact.

Stargazer AI:
The Stargazer AI is extremely abysmal with it having the same brain capacity as a overcooked brick so the devs really need to do a complete overhaul on the AI. This would Include things such as battle tactics, fighting strategies, leisure time (stuff they do when not on patrol), etc.


never going to happen

The AI ​​is really poor. The leisure animations could have added more life.

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Yeah that’s what I was thinking

This Ain’t Call of Duty

Where did you get that idea from?

Not with that attitude

Call of Duty WW2 Lobby

This is never, never going to happen. I’m sorry. And there’s enough problems with the AI as it is.


i want to have breakfast like make a cooking gaming of cooking eggs sunny side up or scramble (your choice) and possibly pancakes… and make drum beats in between matches.
Then you have REAL game mofo.

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Bro don’t bother listening to these 3 same dudes spreading negative shit and being crying babies, they are weirdos who write predator incest stories…
Just do youre thing keep it up with the great ideas, last month I complained about the plasma gun and they nerfed it a little bit yesterday

  1. find me a predator incest story that I wrote and I’ll send you $100.
  2. they did not nerf the pistol

you don’t know what your talking about lol. not once have i even mentioned predator incest, and the plasma pistol didn’t get nerfed either

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To the hentai consumers and pred weirdos it did ! Just go play

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That’s fucking brilliant

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