Minigun and grenade launcher

Can we change the grenades to impact and decrease the damage? As it is its completely useless. You’re not going to hit any predator with 2 brain cells and nobody cares what they can do to the brain dead AI.

Minigun. It has to much of a drawback. You can’t run with it equipped and its only useful in close combat. So you need to switch to it when the predator engages in close combat AND start it up. That or walk as slow as a snail unable to jump. So, remove the charge up time or speed penalty. If this is to OP, decrease the damage a bit. Right now I see no reason to use it instead of a LMG when the pred is close.

If you increase the damage of grenades and garnatometr (the damage they have is essentially the same), then you need to introduce the friendly fire on this gun, FTs that throw grenades at a wounded comrade is not cool.

This is not increase the damage. Its about removing certain limitations so this guns actually see use. As it is I fail to see why one would use any of the 2.

Agree they are both useless. The grenade launcher should have a friendly fire effect, and the minimum should at least have a select fire to spool, automatically cycling back to fire mode when the trigger or key is released. That way the Grenade Launcher is equally hazard and help, and the mini gun can take up a position supporting a group more effectively.

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I would agree with friend fire only if its to the user. Not to the team. Assholes would use this to grieve people.
Marines can’t tanke up any type of position. You need to keep moving. If its in the open the predator is going to shoot you with arrows, plasma, disk doing massive damage. Inside house? SMASH!

The fix is impact with lass damage for grenades, minigun remove charge up times or the speed penalty and decrease damage if needed.

Yeah, without impact, you need to be really precise to get hits in the the GL. But I don’t miss it. I don’t miss the infinite grenade barrage.

And the minigun isn’t meant for you being attacked, its meant for another FT being attacked. Stay “close” and aware, and you can have the minigun out and spinning up by the time the predator lands and starts his melee attacks. It melts preds as it is right now.

Decrease the damage, now its not about being precise, its about the predator standing still so you can hit him with a timed grenade, not going to happen.

If another FT is being attack, until I switch to minigun and start shooting he is going to be dead unless he parries just about everything and he starts with full health.

Minigun is definitely something you can’t pull out willy nilly. You have to prepare for it but boy does it make Predator Swiss cheese

If we consider the worm up time, its very similar to the LMG. So why use that one? LMG has none of the drawbacks.

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well cause the minigun is a 2ndary vs LMG is a primary if you want LMG dps but you want to carry a sniper you’d have the Minigun

albeit you are right you should never use the Minigun when the LMG is just strictly better

Minigun is situational. That’s why it’s special. You want it to be closer to the LMG when you could just use the LMG. Chris Hanson couldn’t even stop me when I catch that predator w my minigun

In the secondary slot you have better weapons to choose from and combine with the primary. As it is, its really hard to use it in any circumstance. If I want close range stopping power with some range I go LMG + SMG.

well yeah my main go to is support lmg + magnum cause it’s literally the best thing you can run next to
assault sniper plus SMG
i was just saying the point on why would you use the minigun
the game has rampant imbalance when it comes to fireteam weapons only like 6-10 guns are viable

which is funny cause predator only has like 4 weapons that are viable right now

Even with the wind up, the minigun has better dps. The LMG is strictly better at range. the minigun is strictly better in close combat.

Minigun and LMG have the same TTK at close range my friend LMG is just strictly better in all cases

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Yeah, its close, but that is also with the wind up. So including the wind up, the minigun had slightly better dps. If you are already spinning it, like you have situational awareness, the minigun is completely better at close range.

I guess but that’s more work/risk for the same result when you can put in less work/risk with the LMG making it better

The mini gun just needs to be readdressed altogether entirely, its role and abilities. It needs to have the baby crawl walk removed.

In exchange for what, that I would let the dev and community decided but that kind of mobility drop is way too much.

Should you sprint or run with it? No. Absolutely not. But this baby crawl is just no okay for its limitations.

The GL in its current form needs to be either a secondary or if remaining a primary needs impacts. As in you have to hit the target still. No proximity activations. You probably dont need to touch damage numbers.

If they keep the current form, it should have remote detonations functions as well then, hold the fire button release to trigger explosive. That way you have some viable way to attempt to it a target on the move or trees.

That way you’re not shooting rocks at a Predator like you are now.

They both need something, the minigun is just hot garbage, it has a slight advantage if you have it up and spooling when the pred comes in over the lmg but the range at which the minis horrid spray comes into effect isnt all that far and with how slow you are with it out makes it a death sentance to any competent pred with a bow. For a high damage secondary your better off with the magnum as it keeps you mobile, has a greater range of use and still tears up predators. (Second shotgun is also acceptable)

The removal of impact grenades made the grenade launcher worthless, it was super annoying with a full team running them but the damage was always pretty low on it. Not really sure how they can fix the launcher other than making it a secondary for taking out groups of mook NPCs.

Grenade launcher needs to explode on contact against AI and Predator.