Minigun + Net = Death

As stated I was using the minigun got easily netted and couldn’t run while in the net because it acted like I was still caring the minigun… honestly the minigun sucks doesnt do alot of dps huge spread and makes you walk like a penguin with broken legs… kind hope they buff it a little at least movement speed wise

according to this it actually has the fastest close range dps in the game so that’s just wrong
but yeah it’s speed is dog shit it’s basically the equivalent of the glass canon weapon which is fine

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It’s a special weapon and I think it fills it’s slot nicely. If nothing else it’s threatening “cover fire”. I don’t want to see the minigun buffed into the meta

It’s pretty bad, and easily countered. Literally can be shot at by any ranged and then slam to down. Or net and melee, or combi throw and melee. you can take time and out shoot it at like 15 feet because of the damage fall off.

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