
The only one arguing here is you mate 😄. If it was said that they use nothing but the caster? I would see your point ,but it didn’t.

When I used to play i never used the caster at all until I started to dabble in it , but it would be to soften players up then go in . But some games you would come up against 4 field medics so even the caster wasn’t the best as they would get up quickly and you would get shredded going in .

Fireteam has 99% firearms , pred has 3 or 4 ranged weapons . Maybe people need to git gud đŸ€”

I have no horse in this race , but dont come at me saying getting shredded with firearms when trying to use melee doesn’t encourage people to play range . Will people cheese it? Of course they fucking will .


LOL. You were the one who replied to me with the argument of bullet spam in a thread that has nothing to do with playstyles or game stats.
But ok

That wasn’t an argument, it was fucking around.

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Ok, but still
 You can come up with better than “bullet spam”

It got a reaction out of you , didn’t it? 😁



That doesn’t necessarly makes your argument look better imho

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There’s only two weapons in the game and the rest are melee reskins and/or unoptimal so yes

What’s with all the sex here

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HHPC, Shoulder cannon, Bow, Combi, Smartdisk, Hook, Axe (even though is bugged). All are reliable weapons.
You can bring 3 of those to the match.

I think moralez was making the point that I was the first out of a few matches to NOT spam plasma
 although looking back I should have either spammed MORE or bothered to get my disks back lol


It wasn’t meant to , I wasn’t being serious with what I first said and then I followed up with the rest . You need to chill mate , you will live longer

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Dude let it fucking go.
Guns spam bullets.
Plain and simple.

And the only thing op on ft is the damage.

Which has been said since year one.

Lower the damage ft has and then nothing’s broken. It becomes fair.

You guys refuse to listen to reason and common sense, so it just goes back and forth endlessly.

If the technical issues were fixed, and balanced was made reasonable this game would still be alive and well.


So true. So true. So unfair!

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Pew pew pew

Stop coming on to me mass.

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That’s it!
You found the cure for this game.
Weapons should not fire bullets but rubber dildos instead.
Everytime a Pred hops on top of a dildo it moans and refills it’s HP.

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By literal definition guns do nothing but spam.

But its whatever cause it’s all ft has.

The problem is when you, or other people complain about spam when ft is nothing but spam.
You have no room to complain.

Honestly with as much as I STILL see ppl bitch about pred, might wanna give a healing dildo weapon to pred, maybe ft will stop bitching finally

For the 8374747939282th time:
The problem is not about the damage of the plasma spam, not even close. The problem is how boring it is

And it’s boring to deal with guns.

Cause spam spam spam spam spam.

So evens out.