These animals would include:
Jaguar (worthy prey/lesser threat)
Poison dart frogs (decorations)
Bullet ants (lesser threats (will sting you if you get to close to their nest)
Green anaconda (worthy prey/lesser threat)
Brazilian wandering spider (lesser threat (will bite you if you get too close))
Electric eel (lesser threat (will shock you if you get too close))
Red bellied piranha (lesser threat)
Harpy eagle (decoration)
Amazonian giant centipede (lesser threat (will bite you if you get too close))
Bull sharks (lesser threat)
Arapaima (lesser threat/worthy prey)
Black caiman (lesser threat/worthy prey)
piraíba (worthy prey/lesser threat)
zebra catfish (decoration)
slobbering catfish (decoration)
Laulao catfish (decoration)
dark caped goliath catfish (decoration)
common marmoset (decoration)
golden lion tamarin (decoration)
White-faced capuchin (decoration)
tufted capuchin (decoration)
Common squirrel monkey (decoration)
black-capped squirrel monkey (decoration)
Humboldt’s squirrel monkey (decoration)
Guianan squirrel monkey (decoration)
red-handed howler (decoration)
ursine howler (decoration)
Colombian red howler (decoration)
Lucifer titi monkey (decoration)
brown titi monkey (decoration)
capybara (lesser prey)
lesser capybara (lesser prey)
South American cougar (worthy prey/lesser threat)
jaguarundi (decoration)
Ocelot (decoration)
Margay (decoration)
Geoffrey’s cat (decoration)
Clouded leopard (decoration)
black piranha (lesser threat)
violet line piranha (lesser threat)
black pacu (decoration)
black spot piranha (decoration)
Candiru (lesser threat)
Candiru Acu (lesser threat)
maned sloth (decorations)
brown-throated sloth (decorations)
Linnaeus’s two-toed sloth (decorations)
Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth (decoration)
silky anteater (decoration)
giant anteater (lesser prey (it could still fight back against the predator using its claws))
southern tamandua (lesser prey)
southern naked-tailed armadillo (decoration)
giant armadillo (decoration)
shaggy bat (decoration)
common vampire bat (decoration/lesser threat (would sometimes attempt to bite you if you are sitting in the bush for a extended period of time))
short-eared dog (decoration)
bush dog (decoration)
tayra (decoration)
giant otter (decoration/lesser prey/lesser threat (would attack you if you get too close))
eastern lowland olingo (decoration)
South American coati (decoration/lesser prey)
white-nosed coati (decoration/lesser prey)
Amazon river dolphin (decoration)
Amazonian manatee (decoration)
South American tapir (lesser prey)
Crane hawks (decoration)
slender-billed kite (decoration)
king vulture (decoration)
Red-throated caracara (decoration)
Tityus obscurus (decoration/lesser threat)
Tityus metuendus (decoration/lesser threat)
Tityus apiacas (decoration/lesser threat)
Tityus strandi (decoration/lesser threat)
10 species of parrots (decoration) (you can choose which species)
29 species of other birds (decoration) (you can choose which one)
Additional information:
The animals (including the decorations) would be controlled by advanced AI (sidenote: this also Includes the stargazer troops becouse i swear to god that the AI controlling them has the mental capacity of a fucking brick) which would be programmed so that they would behave more realistically (this would also create a sort of ecosystem inside the maps)
When the animals are left alone they would behave like what they would do In the wild (e.g. hunting other animals, mating, marking territory, etc.)
The lesser threats would also attack stargazer troops.