At the moment, classes differ from each other only in a set of characteristics (and some features of TF), which supposedly hint at their gameplay.
For example, a Berserker has a lot of health - which means it’s ideal to build it like a tank. Is it logical? Is logical.
Or TF Scout has a feature: a longer predator spotting. So the Scout is most optimal to build as a Sniper. Is it logical? Is logical.
And I think 99.99% of the players understand this. And they use it.
I suggest making classes more unique.
The following are just examples to think about. Just examples.
TF Classes:
- Assault - only he can lift himself if the predator knocks him down. The remaining classes cannot.
- Scout - only he can make a spot. The remaining classes cannot.
- Radio operator - only he can call reinforcements. The remaining classes cannot.
- Support - only he can issue ammo. The remaining classes cannot.
- Medic - only he can give out first-aid kits. The remaining classes cannot.
- Pathfinder - only he can do a parry. The remaining classes cannot.
Etc. Unique classes - not only will make the game for TF more team-dependent, but will allow developers in the future to introduce more and more interesting classes and interesting unique mechanics.
For example, Traper - who will be able to make bait traps for the Predator (as in the first part, Datch squad has caught the Predator) and so on and so forth.
Or a class from OWLF that can defuse a Predator’s bomb (The remaining classes cannot.) or use Predator’s weapons if the Predator, for example, loses its disk.
The same goes for Predators.
Berserker - let it remain the fattest. No problem. Give him all the perks for survival.
Scout - give him all the perks for ranged combat.
Hunter (and hunter 87) - you can also think of something.
About Predators I mean, what is the point of doing so many perks if all the Players in one way or another create the same builds. It’s better to sew some perks by default.