Motion detectors

Playing as predator, what’s the best way to bypass these motion detectors? Sometimes the entire fireteam throws motion detectors EVERYWHERE. And there’s no way to fight them. All they do is chase me down. Any tips?

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Many might advocate that you do the unthinkable and surpass everyone’s expectations by committing to the phrase GG.

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are you talking about the pdl mines, there is nothing you can do besides not getting close to their area and trying to engage through an area they arent at, destroying them with plasma will expose where you are

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Target the human using them first. Also use disc. You can hit from out of detection range sometimes.

Throw audio decoys and your own motion detectors from afar.

If you catch a FT member alone you can kill or damage him badly before others come to help.

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If you’re a badass like some of us, you can ignore them. I usually do, my play style is aggressive. Its best to keep moving though, don’t stand still with these. If going aggro with the bow isn’t your thing, I would try and stay out of their radius and be strategic with your plasma or disc.

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Don’t be a chicken and engage. Keep moving but not “getting away” but rather repositioning yourself to attack. If you try to run to “catch a breath” before you have worn them, they’ll keep chasing you. You need to hop around them and keep getting shots at them. Use plasma. Is effective and they hate it. Don’t stand still to take a shot. Is better to keep moving, shoot 100 times and land 10 shots than standing still trying to land one shot without missing. Once you see a few of them all bloody then get away.

Playing predator is easy as fuck 99% of the time if you know what you are doing. Then 1% of the time you’ll get a premade squad or a veteran FT and you will struggle a lot more.

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Believe me, I do all that. It seems like they know where I am no matter where I go. I could be just standing on a branch, and they’d launch grenades on me, chase me down, and try to finish me. It doesn’t happen all the time, but I swear some.of these players are using some type of hack to find my location.

I can assure you, is not. Hackers will work alone, because is so fucking boring and easy if everyone does it, after a few rounds it stops being fun.

But is relatively easy to find a pred, specially when you have 4 people actively looking out and know exactly what to look for. Visual cues like leaves falling and branches swinging, flashing eyes, green blood drops and puddles, then you have the audio cues which are even easier. I can 100% find a pred based on sound alone, and you make so fucking many.

use audio decoys, they are effective at confusing high level players. Try not to throw them in the ground where they can easily be found

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you can just keep spotting the pred across the map, and on night the cloak is shit, then pred makes a lot of noise

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Have you tried playing Fireteam? Sometimes, understanding the opposition’s point of view helps you understand how they track you. Then, you’ll know what to avoid and how to better strategize attacks as the Predator.


I haven’t and I’ve heard someone suggest that before. I’d hate to do it because I love being the predator too much 😆

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PDL mines are supposed to break down in 30 seconds, but the FT can pinpoint the Predator’s location to some extent by sight and sound. It depends on the opponent’s movements, but I think you should always keep your distance and avoid staying in the same place.

If you don’t want to play as an FT, you may be able to train with a strong FT player in a private match. There are some good FT players here.

But I recommend playing as FT. I think it will be helpful to keep in mind the thoughts of the FT side and the details of the mission. Additionally, you can learn how to fight from good/bad Predator players.

I’m using cheap earphones, but I can often hear the Predator’s growls, footsteps, and the sound of the syringe being used to heal. If you turn in the direction of the sound, you can see where the Predators are even if they are invisible.

I am using Google Translate, so I apologize if there are any unnatural points in the text.

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