MSI Afterburner crashes the game.

I use AB to monitor my temps, fps and so on.
When I have it running, most of the time I can’t even reach the main menu of the game, it crashes the game lmao.

But as soon as I quit the AB, the game runs fine.
PHG is the only game that crashes from Afterburner, it’s hilarious.

Also, give us fullscreen mode option already, when the game got updated in april last year, “fullscreen” didnt even work and your solution was to remove it.

I have no issues with AB and Rivatunner.
It is not the only game, as a matter of fact a ton of new or well known MPlayer games block it through their ACheat, so it does not even monitor or display anything, just runs in the background blocked.

No idea why it could be crashing yours, my first thought could be the version, the second is most likely some interference with other software you have running in the background.
The third, as you know it no longer has support, so it is a matter of time it sadly becomes obsolete.
How are you doing on RAM, could you be maxing it with processes? (rhetorical, no need to reply, fishing in case you have lower end PC)

My versions are AB - v4.6.6.16381 BETA 3 and Rivatunner with it is v7.3.5.28001 (I don’t update it intentionally)


The thing is, I played other MP games that have Anti Cheat, even Bloodhunt uses Easy Anti Cheat since it’s built in UE (same as PHG) and PHG is the only game (this newer version) just crashes.

The thing is, I’ve used AB before in PHG and it was running fine.
But ever since they updated the game, it crashes.

Same thing happens on two different PC’s and on a Dell laptop, so I doubt the problem is with all three PC’s knowing how broken this game is out of the box.

I could never max out my RAM with PHG, the closest would be 12GB with few programs running in the background.

I have Ryzen X3D 8c/16t, Aorus RTX 3070, 2x8 G.Skill Royal and the game is running on Samsung 990 Pro 1TB.

I don’t remember the AB version, I tried a few different to see if the problem persists and it does no matter the version. Even NVIDIA’s own FPS counter gets bugged in PHG but not in other games.

I’m pretty sure it’s the game, cause I just updated the game to the latest version without touching anything else and the game keeps crashing until I turn off the AB.
And no, my GPU isn’t OC, I use AB for monitoring frames, clocks etc.

I wrote about the AC to give you a different perspective. It is not the cause, if it was AB would not work for anyone.

Weird thing…
I run the game at native res, windowed fullscreen, DX12 (but it worked under DX11 as well)
I’ve not updated my GPU driver lately, i’m running on 566.36 ASUS 3070 (coil whine galore)
Running windows 10 on latest updates, absolutely no soft running in the background outside of AVAST/Malwarebytes/Bloody7 mouse app/driver. Have like punkbuster, acrobat update and some shitty asus motherboard drivers/apps, but no issues with em.
I never install nvidia experience nowadays, had a shit ton of issues back in the day… driver only…
Anything outside of that will be very system specific in your case, but that is a ton more trouble to find out and likely something you can’t fix on your own outside of apps or some shitty OS/BIOS setting which will be a bitch to troubleshoot and doubtable to even be the cause, there is still OS/kernel/driver/firmware/bios code and function correlation etc after.

You could check the windows crash/error logs in case you can fish out something.
Other suggestion is try to run HWiNFO64 for monitoring and see if it causes issues.
I would start off with either hwinfo test or running windows in Safe Mode with Networking (also try Clean Boot with Networking after) with windows sys and drivers only and see if the game causes trouble (do not open browsers or go surfing while testing).
No idea if you’ve tried clean reinstalling AB (with Revo uninstaller and CCleaner) or the game with cleaning up reg and leftovers on any of the PCs (you’ll have to make settings/binds and loadouts all over after that probably, which is a pain), but this is another thought.


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