My Calling, Diablo Immortal!

Like I can join you? And Um gem resonance? it’s not to high remember I just beat the main story lol 😂 I’m 225 😁 I dunno how to upgrade my gems yet

Edit: Oh I ok says I can craft legendary by doing challenge rifts or purchase it with platinum I got in game lol

yeah theres legendary crests and eternal legendary crests

eternals are the paid ones and can be sold on marketplace

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I’m just looking for the Horadrim Vessels now but it’s hard because some require group efforts and when I’m done going to try demon hunter class next lol so much fun!

I know so few people IRL who love Diablo. So I can discuss Diablo gameplay only on forums. I want to say that I also love dungeons and robbing fortresses. But even a fan like me can’t memorize all the secrets and quests by heart. I often pause the game when I need to find runic words or other things. I can’t remember the exact game combinations! I went through the same quest for a week because I searched for accurate runic combinations. But now I’m playing it faster since, with yesgamers articles, everything has become easier. It’s enough to know the quest’s name to find the runic word on the site.

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You’re fucking fired. And i don’t mean you’re out of a job, I mean i will politely ask @Fire to come around to your house and molotov you and your family. It has already begun.

You didn’t pay me enough.
So I’m burning your house down.
Also I am literal hell fire.

No molotov needed.

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What when did I say this?!

I’m sorry for late response

How are you going to set in on fire then? 😮

By touching it. Inappropriately.

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Laughs in molests house

I left an extra half under your matress. It’s just what I do lol

Riiiight up the top, in the original thread post.


Oooh I’m sorry I don’t even remember 😓

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g o o d

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Ok now I do lol hey at least I didn’t and I got to play Diablo so win win lol fuck though I’d love to be a immortal 😔

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Lol not worth even my soul