That’s not true.
If a ban is justified, most ppl dont care.
And you disappoint me. You had a perfect opening for a joke and you missed it.
That’s not true.
If a ban is justified, most ppl dont care.
And you disappoint me. You had a perfect opening for a joke and you missed it.
It’s a back and forth. Ill recover
I provided it.
It’s not vague, told you to simply look at the TOS. Everything is crystal clear. Also I actually would not do it as a job, but for free with 0 money involved. I would volunteer. But that is ‘‘what if’’ of course it will never happen. So technically every single person in this forum, but I mean every, literally every at some point or another broke TOS. In reality it’s not about so much about breaking TOS, but it’s about how you break TOS, for example few times or not that rapidly, it’s OK, but typically what is problem is usually spam posts in 90% of the time. Even if they don’t break TOS. Imagine if you are for example moderator and your entire job would be to see gaming related complaints with of course constructive criticism and working on to fix game, all of the sudden, you scroll around comments and you just find 1 or 2 people spaming eachother and arguing like a babies eachother and yet moderator is looking to find gaming related stuff to see maybe another bug and mod still continues to scrool down and yet still mod only sees those 2 people or maybe 3 or 4 spamming eachother or AT eachother, doesn’t matter, it gets simply exhausting and he bans them in order to easily find real company gaming relating problems and not their own personal schenanigans. Because at the end it’s all about mods decision and about what is useful for company and business and most importantly this very GAME.
Nobody cared about you either…
Everybody knew you broke TOS. You played stupid games and won stupid prizes.
She kept discipline in forums, that’s not being a ‘‘bitch’’. She was very polite, in fact, she even risked the job and got fired because she leaked dlc’s too early than they told her. That is very nice of her.
I would mostly agree with that approach. A few thing might need to be adjusted in practice after you get the feel for the forum, but overall it sounds ok.
No she wasnt.
Look man. All I want from you, is for you to stop lying.
I can not stress this enough, and I say this seriously.
Your perception does not dictate reality. The way you talk, there’s only two options.
You’re trolling, or you’re genuinely delusional.
If you stop lying, il leave you alone.
If you’re gonna make a claim, show proof and explain your side.
You do that, il leave you alone.
Bro, she did not do a good job.
Honestly, jokes should be allowed.
If they do decide to moderate more, they’re gonna have to not be quick to ban, and learn what jokes are.
If you want an example of what needs to be banned tho, its basically people like fantasma and magic like here.
This dude posted videos of ppl getting killed, says vile shit and not joking either.
I would agree with everything besides the Kass part. I’ll post a Kass performance poll to see where forums stand.
It doesn’t matter what you agree on. There is a fine line between jokes and harassments and abuse. People who are advocating for others getting banned, always complain when same happens to them.
Hypocritical statement coming from the guy that lectures others for what jokes are while threatening and harrassing others.
So did you and your partners. And don’t get me started with saying ‘‘vile shit and not joking’’
True. I suppose almost any joke could be offensive to someone
There is a fine line between that, it’s not about perception, but about the rule as you can see in TOS. Even in 1st amendment what stuff are distinguished as harrassments and what stuff are distinguished as a joke. Everybody can get offended by anything, but if offense is justified from legal perspective, then person has right to be offended and leaders have right to set discipline, now as for the people who do not have justifiable reason to get offended from TOS and legal perspective, then they are oversensitive. So joke absolutists would always argue that jokes are subjective, but in that case, then everything everybody says or even does is a joke, which is sick and twisted view.
Fair, still it may be difficult to make those distinctions. People always push boundaries of what’s appropriate. It could be tough to say if they are just within whats acceptable or if they crossed that line.
Im sure there’s a way to make things work, but it will take time to determine that.
It’s not difficult, by reading TOS and 1st amendment, it’s easy to distinct. Pushing boundaries of what is appropriate is one thing, but breaking TOS and law in general is second. It does not take time nor genious.
Ok, as I said, id like someone to try to follow TOS and mod the forum and to see how the forum will respond
Mods would never exist if people would follow TOS.
Everybody’s interpretation of TOS can be a little different. That’s why mod needs to make a stance of what is appropriate and what isn’t.
There already is stance, people who claim it’s matter of interpretations are the ones who have desire to do whatever they want without consequences.
I disagree. I’m sure there are situations up for interpretation orcm at least need to be clarified