My feedback on All Predator Classes.

My evidence is basic logic

The Alpha was the first Yautja

Yautja die of old age

Yautja have been around for thousands of years

Alpha died of old age at least

This is so FAR from to be a Proof for Me.
It is Pure Opinion.
I Bet you can do Better.

When I compared the classes, I also came to the conclusion, that the Elder is the best combination - mostly due to its energy consumption behaviour - if I remember right.

But admittedly, I just play FT. As FT I fear most the Elder, the Alpha and Valkyrie. The Berserker is too slow and to easy to hit - although, if controlled by a jumping-ape-master, very deadly too…



You mean basic logic skills are an opinion?

Please see where your failing here Yautja have a lifespan

Their lifespan is shorter than the amount of time they existed.

The Alpha was the first Yautja.

Please explain the logic of how the Alpha lived longer than their own lifespan.

Or do Lifespans not exist?

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Lol just stop trying to explain it x’D
I do agree with you btw

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