My issue with the way the new Yautja look

I’ve been a fan of this franchise for years and the Predator as a character hasn’t looked the same since Predator 2
The thing I’ve noticed is unnecessary additions to the Predator’s face.
Screenshot 2022-08-07 12.21.18 PM
Jungle Hunter looks perfect, this is what a Yautja should look like
Screenshot 2022-08-07 12.22.40 PM
City Hunter looks a little bit different but you can still tell they’re the same creature.
Screenshot 2022-08-07 12.26.12 PM
And then there is Feral, who doesn’t look anything like a Yautja, other than the mandibles. Some people say he’s probably a hybrid, But it still looks terrible.
My point is for some weird reason the Predator writers keep wanting to drastically change the way the Yautja look for no reason. If this was just a standard Stan Winston Predator it would have looked really good, but they keep feeling the need to try and change an already perfect design.



I actually like it now, and I’m not sure the og design would have worked with the mask.

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You can like whatever you want. This is just my opinion.


You can have your opinion, I can see why you don’t like the design, it’s so different to where you can’t even tell it’s a predator or even a hybrid subspecies but if you ignore that fact it’s looks cool, and I’m just saying that because that’s what I think.

I respect your opinion, even though I strongly disagree.

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Thank you.

yes they shuod because PHG used the same look for every default body type. quiet fraankly thats lazy. I like how it has evolved over time with different movies. I just wish the AVP ones never existed because they were made poorly. The superpredators were awesome.

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I just had a thought that this is what yautjas originally looked like before they evolved.

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I agree, which is why I didn’t mention them. We also got a reason for why they’re different, but we don’t have an actual reason why Feral looks nothing like a Yautja.

Maybe he’s an ancient form of yautja that later evolves into the yautja we now and love.

Possibly but the director hasn’t confirmed any theories yet so right now it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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Then I don’t know.

I like the way the new yautja looks. Not every predator has to look exactly the same.

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You’re right they don’t, but they should still look like a predator instead of whatever this thing was trying to be. City Hunter is a good example of changing the design. He looks different, but he still looks like a Yautja.


I think it was trying to be a ugly mother fuker.

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I have no idea why constantly change the look of the Predator to the point where they become unrecognisable.

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One could argue that the predator was intended to look very different from the others since this movie is a prequel. Perhaps the predators from this time period hadn’t evolved to look like the Predator from the first movie yet.

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