My predator has no skin on menu

This weird my predator is clay image on menus only …the red demon is my avatar


having same issue, he renders in when i go to customize but not in that screen or the home screen


Strange right

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I have the same issue and thinks it’s a big bug because I can’t edit my gear and now spawn with no gear or wrist blades on my Predator in game.

I can’t edit it.

Hopefully we can get this bumped to top or priority. Its a pretty bad one

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Well my clay soldier will fight your clay Predator. lol


Wow I thought it was just on PC …I saw it on Ps4 too.So strange…I see they released a patch hopefully it fixes stuff

I have same issue but it also does it on home screen with predator choking soldier , it would do it even when first starting app on same screen as described , loads into matches fine as predator aftetwards, but repeats issue .

Same here seems to be better today

Relatable, cant post picture cause it’s too big but I dont think the hotfix from today helped with that bug at all

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Yep Iv had this happen in PS4 as well. Same for the background image on the main menu. My FT member isn’t rendered.

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Call me crazy but I updated the firmware on my network switches and that problem seemed to go away …Router firmware might help …Might be packet transport on a LAN Or maybe not …Still strange

The way I did mine was by letting the class loadout for the predator sit there for a minute and it fixed it…for now

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I’m having this same glitch on PC.

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Same, since yesteday no skin on predator in the menu

I have that on the marine side hahaha

Same here, my predator is messed up on title screen

Same shit happening on my ps4 pro