My Theory on Match Making

So there has been an issue that has plagued this game from the beta and has persisted till this very day!

That of course is the Cool-Downs and Infinite connections!

There is a workable theory on why this happens!, and its pretty simple that somebody stole your spot.

The Predator is always going to be popular and will always be overloaded with players looking for there hunt, so it’s possible that the two players find the same match at the same moment and the game struggle to figure out who to put into the game either giving the player with the better Internet the match which will result in a cool-down for the unlucky player. Or the server crashes for the lobby which results in the infinite connection!

While the infinite one probably doesn’t have a easy fix.

The cool-down could potentially be fixed by them giving the player a priority to next available match on the server!

Also with Match making maybe we can change the estimate time from saying the average wait time. But instead average or could possibly be longer

Example so instead of it saying est wait time 8:32

It could say eat wait time 8 - 13 mins so that plyers can really understand how long they could potentially have to wait.

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Well , if you go back to some of the first patch notes , they noted the matchmaking was putting people at the back of the que instead of connecting them


I do remember.

Its not the times , its the not getting games . But then your theory doesn’t explain the broken lobbies with not enough fireteam and then none connect?

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The wait times are not the issue its the servers being overwhelmed with players all trying to search for the same preferences. Also I think empty and broken lobbies are a caused by the shit servers Illfonic has as well

One interesting thing about their servers , if I may? 🧐 , the cheap ones they have went with ? Fluctuate to how many people are trying to play . So like 50 are running and if the numbers drop ? The servers drop to account to the number , or rise .

From what I seen aswell , they focused so much on those servers that it would require too much to change them

From what I read anyway

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The easiest and most simple fix is really just to add more game modes (that aren’t clash, or like clash in any way).

Don’t you think times would drop if 98% of players weren’t all trying to play Hunt? If we just had modes with Predator v Predator, Team Predator deathmatch, hard-core hunt mode, 3v12, 2v8, something to put more predators and more players together I think would halve both teams wait times.

They kinda said ‘fuck it do it yourself’ with private matches, and someone literally organizing a 2v6 mode for them, out of their own failed attempt at a second game mode at that… and they said ‘nah we’re not gonna do that even though it’s fun and everyone seems to ask for it’.