My two cents about game's balance

hi everyone, my gamer tag is Mr_Mojo_Rising, maybe some of you met me in the game. I currently win 99% of games against randoms, 70% against PS4 pre-mades, and 30% against PC pre-mades.
I admit that when I see PC teams with well-known Russian players I don’t participate in the game, because I believe they use means that, while not considered cheating, make the game impossible to play.

I’ve been playing PHG since beta, almost exclusively as a predator. I have seen all the changes that the game has undergone since its release and I think I can give a fairly grounded opinion on the current state of the game.

I think two changes are needed to make it balanced:

  1. For random / casual games: slightly nerf Yautja Bane and Thick Skin

  2. Activate a “competitive” mode, where pre-made FTs face a buffed predator

With these two changes, of which the first must be very minimal, the game will be perfectly balanced.


This is worth at least 5 cents


More a Hay penny

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Think I went up against you the other day. I’ll have to check i might have recorded the match.

As far as your 2 cents, I don’t think this will hurt but I think there’s some more to it than that

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Giving buffs to the predator only when faced with premades is a good idea actually. That would actually work well and not effect randoms.

Bane, because of the burst should get a nerf but I don’t think thick skin should get one. It costs a ton of perk points to get it. If you nerf the HP you should also nerf the perk points, at least decrease it by 1.


I think premades would have more fun too

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you admit winning 99% of matches against randoms and yet ask nerfs for them?

What’s wrong with you?

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I’ve noticed that one myself but I was thinking he was probably thinking that not everybody is doing as well as he?
I run randoms and I win a ton.

That depends on skill. I’m talking about random Preds too

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Every Predator is a random


Hahaha, I laugh so hard about that.

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Skilled predators will always win vs random FTs , no matter pred nerfs.

Skilled premades FTs will always win vs 90% predators

They need to balance the game from the casual gamer POV and from the competitive player POV

It’s logically impossible to balance the game taking those two “worlds” together

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I meant “casual” pred players

Playing against premades and PCDS is good training and is something you shouldn’t let down, you’re not going to get any better at the game if you don’t face tougher teams. I’ve defeated the russian teams several times, though they have killed me more, lol. You just need to learn from your mistakes and figure out how your opponents play their game.


and there aren’t any casual FT’s? right?

JFC… You guys really don’t make sense on anything you say about game balance.

The game is what it is, git gud or get out. As simple as that.

More and more it gives me the impression most of you just bought the game to troll people and wanna win 100% of the time. You got that, at the beginning, because the community wasn’t teaming up and were a bit scared of the pred, but eventually the sands shifted. No you are getting hunted and trolled and all you do is cry about “game balance” because you can’t win always (and yet you still win around 80% of your matches).

You ask for balance on the very few scenarios were is actually difficult (not impossible) to win.

That’s like us asking for Pred nerfs because we can’t beat players like Cetanu, MC, Prozi, Arrow, Dan38000, etc.

You clearly didn’t understand anything about what I’ve wrote

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I do, I understand you are frustrated that you can’t beat PC Premades as easily as you win against randoms

You’re the troll. You just made this thread turn into the usual controversy whereas it was meant to be a costructive opportunity to talk about the game.

I could tell that you “PCDS”, are a bunch of losers who enjoy winning in an unbalanced game. And you know that.