My two cents about game's balance

@Scarface_1983 We also have a God among men, @James-Cameron.

So we got that goin’ for us, which is nice.

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how about you play predator and i play ft rando… lol ill make you my bitch and blast cum all over your face

I read this thread, queued up as FT, and guess what, i met that MC guy you were talking about, what are the odds? xD


howd it go

MC is a friend, he’s really good. He’s one of the few that actually makes us sweat and almost always wins.

He’s a killer FT too. Versatile. Can run sniper, assault, doesn’t stick with a single class and fighting mode

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MC is a really cool guy, I like his play style as pred. I know dan38000 is your friend so don’t take this as me talking shit just saying the truth. I know you’ve read my replies and I appreciate the love. I’m in no way an asshole but this guy yuppers is just an idiot. Add me on epic my name tag is the same as here. We can play and have fun. I’ve lost to really good preds but have also defeated a bunch of top tier ones. At the end of the day it’s just a game. I’m more of an Assassins Creed type of guy.

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Yeah, I get you. I’ll send you an invite now.

Yeah, yuppers is just a crybaby, for what I’ve read from him. Seems he’s just pissed he can’t troll as a pred and instead gets trolled cause he aint that good

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This is why you get no respect from us older mature players. You express yourself like a dumb teenager by saying the most absurd shit.

I’m done replying to you, you’re a waste of time.

…but I’ll say this one last thing, you got called out again and you ignored it as you did with Prozipix.


i killed prozi with his trash premade… for russians with my shit ping lol… respect from mature players lol. All you do is talk shit… trash can. Light up the forums with this game thats utter shit and you want it to succeed with your ramblings. Respect I have no respect for you… meet me in person youd watch your little typing skills. Cause your beta ass wouldn’t say shit guaranteed. LOL, so many talk trash and you want to fight the most unbalanced game in history your sad.


Garbage I love it… trash can… Sorry not playing on other countries servers… or with the low grpahics settings… will paly some unreal or counterstrike … a real competive game… then I laugh as you all die 1 v 8

whats up doucher… nothing to say… LOL…nobody want to see premade FT’s do good. They were good right after the 1.06 nerfs… now look at me i am a great FT player point mouse click… wow im so good. I never post FT vids cause it is utter retarded to even think playing FT takes skill.

you have no fucking clue… how to make a game…

Jelou, it’s 106 WITH down range, and you need 3; writ blade arracks to kill most of the classes. On the other hand one smg click take 70/80% of predator hp in 3 secs, and ft is composed by 4 people. 5 SAWZ shots and you a run away in second wind.

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I guess using the most broken stuff in the game because its obviously broken is hypocrisy now lol.
Yeah wtf do all these people think theyre doing running the best guns to win instead of roleplay meme loadouts?

“Its balanced if no ones using it” sure.
This isn’t asscreed, its a multiplayer game where people will obviously use whats most oppressive.

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They only play fireteam, they don’t know how it feel to play Predator. One good Pc fireteam and a Predator never win in Pubs unless he use the net gun on Pc guy at the start of the game

Not hard in this meta to beat the predator in team, 4 revolver hits take 50% hp , 5 SAWZ shots is second wind, half of a rifle magazine is second wind, 4 granades is second wind. I don’t know if you think your are good because you beat pred in this meta, then I have to remember you that we are all playing in a unbalanced game in favor of ft. I have never lost a game in 4 stacks, never. After this patch, even in duo. People that usually were forcing us to play with our 100% in order to beat him, now struggle a lot to stay alive for more than 2 minutes. You cant play range , you cant play close range and in 3 minutes we finish missions. Just start to play privatr with your own team and go Pred, then you will see.


He was in solo, no premade.

@Dexter we played before? I don’t recall, your epic name must be different.

If you think the game is ok because MC and Dan38 killed you some times, then you have to see when same skill players fight each others. We have fought against Mc and Dan38 million of times in pubs (inviting them) and private (giving them host) and we always beat them in 2/3 minutes. How? They come to our position and we start fighting , everything the predator use to shot us is low damage, on the other hand , every thing we have to shoot at him is super ultra high damage. Is not normal that 4 revolver hits take 50% and 5 SAWZ shots your entire hp bar.

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