My two cents about game's balance

dude that’s because Bane was actually broken (it wasn’t working before)

I honestly don’t think it helps that much. I never use it because I don’t find it makes any difference. Same with OWLF training.

If you say so man. I will stick with the guy that tested it and a lot more in that post.

@BadBlood I stick with support with thick skin. Got medkits and ammo bags for all :)

I mean without that perk

The Predators armor provides no protection

It is purely cosmetic

Location specific damage needs to be implemented

His mask/armor need separate hp pools

Bullets that hit armor need to remove HP from the armor bar not the health bar

This would make FT have to pick their shots better

Yes we tested also this, armor doesnt block any damage.

This is a huge problem.

What if…they got rid of A.I and added…Predator Dogs instead

I’m all for a map with no AI just preddo and FT


here’s my take on the so called “game balance”

The game isn’t “balanced” and it never will. Because it is impossible to balance it in a perfect way across the whole spectrum of skills from players. They will nerf this/buff that to make it fair FOR THE MAJORITY and that’s about it. The rest will simply need to accept it and adapt. There will always be somebody that thinks the game is not balanced on their eyes and that the opposite faction has the advantage.

The biggest “OPness” of FT is TEAMWORK. It always has and it always will. Once a new game mode comes out (if it does) that allows Preds to team up, we will see just how OP Preds can be in reality.

I fear the day where I have to face a team of Preds composed of Cetanu, Arrow, MC, Prozi and the likes. Even if we have 3 full PC “death squads”. We will unlikely be able to win. But still welcome it. After all, you don’t get better by winning. You get better by losing.


same for FT.

Ballistic mask provides no real protection against headshots, from either Pred or AI. So, if Pred armor gets a buff, then should FT’s.


That’s not true. Matter of fact we (my friends) played @Saiano last night and we had a hell of a match. We don’t play snipers, we play aggressive and like the rush. He managed to kill two teammates and downed my other friend at the exfil. I stepped on his bear trap when I tried to come help my friend without even realizing I was trapped because of the excitement, he killed me. This was our only defeat the entire night. This match could’ve gone either way at the exfil considering that only 3 of us are level 150 but we still lack communication and tactical approaches. We just like to play aggressive and that’s our mistake when we face highly skilled preds.

To add to this post, I think a ranking system will be the solution instead of always arguing about op and nerfs. We even turn crossplay off and still win 95% of our matches against all pc preds.


I don’t think they need it nearly as much as Pred but fair is fair

Theirs would be significantly weaker than Predator though

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Agreed - I’ve made these statements on reddit / FB too.

Asymmetrical games are very difficult to balance when considering pubs vs. organized teams. I choose every word in my next sentence with extreme care:

The capability ceiling an organized Fireteam has far outweighs the skill expression a Predator is currently limited to.

Playing FT with hit scan weapons, healing everywhere, three minute missions and insane damage boost / reduction means Predator is on the extreme backfoot… and Predator only gets weaker as the game goes via losing masks, heal kits and being forced using boars. Like it or not the Predator is much harder to play atm, and is forced into certain weapons / builds against certain teams (huge issue when combi/bow or ES is the only option.)

How does Illfonic fix this? Imo remove hit scan weapons while keeping current balance.


Revert the balance changes by buffing Predator and give non-partied FT members an aim assist.

BTW: ty for not leaving my FT games when we play Mojo, you’re one of the few Preds we feel the need to actually focus.

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Agree with all statements here, except the coordination being the OP bit. When one player can put a cursor on me and deal 1/6 of my health it’s insane.

Is not true. He still wins against us. Is just a bit harder for him and the rest.

people here seem to talk a lot in absolutes. Only a sith deals in such extremes. i will do what I must.

Anyway, in a month when SW Squadrons comes out a bet a big chunk of the player base will be taken away… me included.


Didn’t even know that was an upcoming release. Don’t really sound like my cup of tea anyway. I’m hyped for battlefield 6, though.

Yeah… when one player can throw a trap on my face so I can’t move, put a cursor on my head and take 100% of my health is also insane. But the game is what it is.

Why would they nerf something to “help” casual gamers?

Casuals in any games are usually not good, nerfing something would only hurt them.

And tbh, dunno why ppl are complaining about FT’s, sure, winning against premades is very difficult, but I get 80% of my playing time as Pred, total randoms and while some of them are harder to kill than other randoms, it’s still doable.

Ppl got used to just whrist blading everything with zero brain cells, now that you actually need your brain to come up with some tactic, it’s “THEY BUFFED THEM WAY TO MUCH”, but they didn’t.

Don’t forget how much AI’s dmg is buffed atm, I’ve seen players get downed by AI’s and if that alarm goes off with the Pred in the base, it’s Hell on Earth.


Basically everything this guy said. We’re down to 2s TTK smgs vs combistick tickle damage because console potatoes dont have aim assist.

It’s not even the communication thats oppressive in a premade. This isnt DBD, information isnt hard to get. All premades do consistently is rotate heals, callouts are pretty insignifigant considering how obvious the predator is (aside from coordinating ridiculous amounts of sniper damage). The issue is that its 4 people running optimal loadouts tracking pred with point and click weapons & whereas the game is balanced for 1-2 people on controllers shooting at the pred at a time running xp perks and minigun. Skill ceiling for pred and FT are at entirely different levels and FT reaches theirs way sooner as the epitome of skill expression in this game is shooting at predator consistently for 7 seconds depending on gun & rotating heals. So group 4 people together (possible duo but a bit sweatier) that can consistently hit the predator 1-4k a game and congrats youve beaten predator hunting grounds all your matches at that point are just fucking with the pred players even as a pretty average FT. That’s it there’s nothing else to it in terms of depth and decision-making whereas pred is micromanaging from start to finish.

Asyims are traditionally difficult to balance but the addition of trash AI & trying to make alarms a gameplay element just make it worse. They need to ditch the concept of AI and introduce something else if they didnt have an AI programmer onboard to begin with.


If you dont play snipers and you push predator then it means you were playing not with the best fireteam potential.

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I’m so glad someone else says ha’penny.

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