My VT Reward Idea

My idea was to award a set amount of VT for claimed skulls(Pred) and secured bodies(FT)

Pristine Condition - 500VT
Light Damage - 300VT
Moderate Damage - 200VT
Heavy Damage - 100VT

1 Claim - 100VT
2 Claims - 200VT
3 Claims - 300VT
4 Claims - 400VT
5 Claims - 500VT
6 Claims - 600 VT
7 Claims - 1000VT

You may ask why 1000. Considering how skilled one would need to be to get 7 claims in a mutually skilled match, I think that’s a well-earned reward. Of course, there comes the risk of farming newer players for easy VT. I… Have no idea how to counter that. Perhaps a training mode for both FT and Pred so many newer players can learn? Which we’ve been asking for since launch.

Let’s hear some thought and hype, people!


No hype. not interested in vert.
But let the noobs be farmed.

Why not.
I won’t be doing tho. I don’t really claim, and, if their noobs I typically let em just complete the mission or kill me.

Way ahead of ya, brother

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Claiming Skulls and Securing bodies should give us more VT

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the problem is not the Veritanium, the problem is that the drop rate is terrible specially for yellow trophies

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I like those numbers but the problem still is 1:4 ration of people who are literally playing the game pred to FT. The more people who think its viable to play as Pred will constantly want to making the que times unbearable and because there is no alternative game mode just for pred , then i dont see this happening.

Hopefully Gauntlet will change that

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Nah. More like:
Pristine Condition - 2000VT
Light Damage - 1000VT
Moderate Damage - 500VT
Heavy Damage - 250VT

Quick claim - 250
Long claim - 500

No. I’m sorry, but no

It’s not really up to you, is it?

2000 for Pristine Condition. As often as me and my team kill Predator mains, we’d be billionaires by next year

If you really want VT, you could just farm in private match. Most premades don’t even care to protect the body, they just hunt for VT in the map while the AI has their way with the dead predator. You have to have a real incentive to keep the body perfect, and 1000 isn’t enough.

I like it.

Gonna bump this, still think it’s a good idea. I mean, why not? Predators hardly get any xp unless they get multiple kills in a drawn-out match.

Bring a reason to defuse back into the game. Since defusing just wastes time now, at least for the vets of the game


I agree, this sounds like a amazing idea and sounds a lot rewarding for Pred main players

but if you’re a vet of the game, you don’t need veritanium either.

But… Yes I do…