So here is the problem ,the fanbase are clearly out for blood now and its LEAKS are probably why. We stick around because we feel there is meat on the bones. So either find a way to leak these yourself in a more substantial way or find a way to clear the files of any data not related to the release.
In retrospect, the entirety of the 3 cosplay preds, City Hunter, The Dutches and Football guy (which name exceeds me) as well as the nice weapons should have been organized a little better.
Let’s just say you could have said
2 Movie DLCs
1 PHG original DLC
3 Period Knights of the Predator Table
1 Celebrity
1 GameMode
If you said this at the very start it would have been titled the Year of Delivery for content, the FANSHIP would have been very grateful and expecting this as THE formal ROADMAP…
what we got really was an entire year of coming back day after day of us discussing about how you forgot about talking to us, don’t you have families like us?
I don’t know, is this how online fanbases are developed? For better or for worse Illfonic, you made quite the circus.
To me, if we had a cleaner bill of expectations; and if the roadmap wasn’t blacked out; it would have made alot of people happy with the product while keeping most of the forum activity to strictly bugs.
Which brings us to the bug reporting:
which plagues this community because PS players like to complain about bugs from all version of the console, and they also like to neglect the fact that THEY AREN"T THE PC Player base! Which leaves me to say, MAKE A FOLDER FOR SPECIFIC PLATFORMS! Make people go into these folders and not forget where they are, who they are and who they play with and how!
Back to the fact that the roadmap is secret:
You know how much the fanbase likes to use their imagination so…sigh.People debate! People discuss! I guess there is no win win. We made friends here, alliances, or just foolishness which never really happens any where else. So i cant say Im complaining. But this is a product specific forum and not a way to assess the popularity of the franchise, or is it?
My final thought:
Make a Developer’s Diary! Have those leaks come from that blog! Unless you’re not allowed, but again, its just an idea to stir into the pot.
But either way at least the leaks are coming from a reliable and trusted source, and a perspective based on timelines and budget rather than people speculating. Thats probably the biggest value to the blog, that there is someone in the production of the game giving perspective on the situation. So us fans don’t come here online to banter and discuss on stuff that maybe impossible to produce. (i’m thinking about those night vision goggles now)
The less were on here, the better. IMHO. Seriously folks, we don’t have time.
This is not up for discussion, this is MY feedback.