Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

movement and heartbeat. From across the map?

ok testing it now going to record it not using any tracking method but the sound bar. As far as I am aware it is a animated graphic which responds to sound on screen even the predators. So giving it a whirl right now!

I’m uploading my first vid now. Following the flare ups it points me to the edge of the map. And at times I was looking directly at the running FT and it was small. again im dubious as nothing is mentioned in the tutorial or anywhere and we have other sound recognition indicators such as bubbles and perks for bubbles. what would be the point if this was an actual mechanic?

I’m going to record a few videos and post them.

It doesn’t only pick up the FTs, but it totally works

do you think we could find a mudded up FT hiding under a building somewhere using this method?

All I’ve played the last several weeks is Pred, FTs are boring if you play smart and together. Since playing only Pred I’ve learned so much about his capabilities it’s not even funny, I haven’t died as Pred since level 62.

I have several times, I then proceed to be cussed at and called a cheater, on PS4…🤣

I also love dropping bear traps on the respawn radio😂🤣😂🤣 that pisses people the fuck off!

Just tried it also, not convinced yet.

Yeah found the last guy just hiding at the corner of the temple. Some other one’s under that bridge over the river. It’s by no means super easy to use, once you’re in proximity & the indicator isn’t wavering when you pan the camera you have to just use your eyes. I’ll try to get a video to see if I can help people get a feel for how it works.
Its only proximity based so the target has to be a ways away.

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The more FTs are in proximity to each other, the better it works too, now seeing the heartbeats through walls your range is max 150m by my estimate. It would be nice if I could mark spots as Pred like FT can to get a good distance reading.

It seemed to give different results, not even sure if you need to pan your camera or turn your body.

Your video will be much appreciated!

Just have to pan your look, I use it every game against good FTs who frequently mud up. Sometimes you find AI, but usually I find the FTs. Also having some elevation makes it work better as sound carries better when it’s not obstructed by foliage on the ground. It can be dangerous to be in the trees, but you gotta balance your tree and ground game every match. Gotta be unpredictable.

What had me thinking it was bs initially was that it’s too hard to differentiate between the regular pulsing and the spikes & I think that’s where people are struggling. I’ll just do a side by side comparison of the soundbars if I can.

so the heart beating motion of the sensor is constant that is just animated.

there are 2 additional animations. when it spikes and when it flashes.

when it spikes is also constant and animated getting bigger and getting smaller. it appears sometimes it gets larger than usual but it is just in fact getting brigher.

It flashes when there is on screen audio.

I’ve just recorded two videos, with the sound off and got myself lost for 5 minutes before looking for fireteam. by then they were already shooting and making sound bubbles which you could audibly hear… this would be influencing the graphic to begin with. i killed all FT but left one alive and let him try to run and hide for 5-10 minutes unfortunately he wasnt very clever about and was shooting a bunch so again this was animating the sound bar.

my point here is it doesnt seem to provide any additional information that you arent getting from actual sound or sound bubbles as those tell it when to flash. the size of the bar also magnifies based on on screen audio and when there is no sound it gets big and gets small randomly. it even gets super small when i am looking directly at the fireteam.

I really need a guy to hide somewhere on the map, i would test this here with a user if you want and record it.

Based on my own findings I can’t say this is a reliable way of tracking fireteam. I’m not calling anyone a liar thats why we need this footage showing us how this works! for science!

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they need to remake the tutorial it’s actualy near useless for the predator . It don’t teach you those kind of thing which are super good to know

If your too far to see the sound bubbles, it will give you a good general direction to start heading.

Now hold on there.

They taught us how to slide and look bad ass.

You take that back right now!!!


i need someone to join me online in a match and mud up and hide

I can if you can add me

EGS: Draedark

I need to just cough up the 40 bucks so I can play with you guys on the PC.