Mythbusting: For those concerned about FT's mudding up and hiding in a corner

I’ll wait til after the 26th, maybe by then the cross platform party invites will work…

Would be nice for sure.

My wife wants a new desktop anyways, looks like she may be getting a brand new aurora 11…with the 2080ti

Okay tested with @Jaysus and we are both still not able to get this thing to work. Looking forward to your video!

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Yes I’m still of the opinion it is a visual feedback display. The scrolling and throbbing is an animation. flashing and flaring are reactionary but not entirely useful.

As it seems to react to audio or visual data it is redundant and still less clear than indicators such as bubbles or actual sound.

I spent 15 minutes looking for Draedark and went in every direction I thought the bar was indicating but none was more definitive than another and definitely not specific enough to lead me to a hidden mudded up FT IMO.

I think the sound bar overall is a missed opportunity to do cool predator stuff so would love it if this worked or if the sound bar was updated with functionality.

Let us know what we are missing!

edit: We then did a second more controlled test where I hid around a compound and Draedark tried to locate where I was using the sound bar for the 15 minutes. Nothing conclusive there either.

Exactly if predator players say they dont use it then why do i see people like “Blood thirsty lord” spoon feed himself using it lol fuck me he craves target isolation but you guys say you dont need it stfu LMFAO

Dm me tomorrow since you have it down to a science I think my friend’s still got ps plus. I want to do a small target isolation test also

Speakth his name he cometh


Damn, a tutorial video for this stuff is necessary. I wonder whatever little tricks both teams have that haven’t been explained yet. Whatever happened to those good old days of games with instructions booklets with in depth information??


I’m on PS4 if you want to make a video, I don’t know how this heartbeat tracker works so looks like you’ll have to record it from your perspective?

PSN is same as my username here.

Ok, I’ll be off work in like 8-9 hours, I’ll message you when I get on.


We tested sprinting a jumping out of stam through walls and didn’t notice anything.

Ok, when I get home from work, I’ll show yall what I’m talking about

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Excellent thanks.

@Jaysus and I definitely saw the sound bar reacting to in game sounds, we just could not find a directional correlation to it. I hope that makes sense.

The bar seemed to flare up, no matter if we were facing the source of the sounds or not.

It picks up all sound on the map, not just the FTs, it gives a general idea where to head, you kinda have to focus on the amplified sound and listen for key noises you know the FT makes, it takes a hot minute to get it down, but once you know what to look for it’s like no shit…it does work…

Boars squealing can cause it to spike, which is usually one of the amplified sounds I listen for, it usually means the FTs spooked them in a way.

I was testing it with my sound off and also a hidden FT not making sound or bubbles to verify the bar’s usefulness alone.

If I could hear the noise i immediately go in that direction as i do now negating the need for the sound bar

Know if it interacts with the sound bubble perk at all?
