NECA colections

With some of the version 2 figures coming out… I kind of want them… new weapons and heads on some are cool.

Snake looks way better for one…

Warrior’s ax…

Boar gets chest armor now

No… just a big big fan of this stuff
I have most of the complete collection…

Thinking of making a Battle Arena diorama… I have a great hall with Kaail and the Bone Throne

Augment Yautja from Concrete Jungle… been thinking this one over if I should or not

Scavage was one of the Yautjas I had back in the 90s… would be a nice add to my super predators… Night Storm to would also go into that plan

Still need Falconer to finish off the 3 supers from Predators

Has anyone heard about Neca and the coming Feral Predator yet?

I would like Neca to finish the ‘Dutch’ crew.
Would love to have Billy, Mac, Dillon, Blain…
Think it would also be nice to have the crew of Alien Resurrection

Best line in movie:
“Hey! If you wana die here with your brothers and sisters, THATS cool… But I plan to live past today… and if this hunk of plastic tries to pull any SHIT… I’ll kill 'er. KILL-YOU… does that compute, or do I have to draw you a schematic!?!”

2nd best:
“Cant believe I almost fucked 'er…”

“Yeah… like you never fucked a robot!!”

Night Cougar… Xenomorphs are kind of all the same to me really, though I like the head on this one

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who else wishes they had more 1:2500 Alien & Predator ship models other than me?

Nope… keeping a list of what I do not have yet.

just started building my collection on christmas. i have jungle hunter, city hunter, golden angel/greyback, and i just ordered fugitive (yes i know he’s from THAT movie but i just love his design)

post your collections!

I only own regular City Hunter, since Predator 2 is my favorite film in the franchise. I wanted to get the San Diego Comic Con 2020 exclusive City Demon, but the scalper prices were horrendous and I never found it in the wild like at Walmart. I eventually did find it at a comic and toy store a few years later but it was stupidly jacked up in price, but it looks sick in person, especially with the light up feature of the box.

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shit, that’s super cool. i picked up my city hunter by chance at my local target, and it was a reasonable price so i yoinked it.

my greyback has a mask that has a light up feature on the eyes, which is really good for photography.

i was going to get feral instead of fugitive, but feral is INCREDIBLY expensive right now (although i can understand that because he’s the newest predator in the movies and comes with a shit ton of accessories). he’s always out of stock on neca’s website and is almost 100 bucks on amazon with taxes and shipping.

edit: holy crap i want that city demon now. that’s just so cool.

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You know what would be a badass model? If they made a cloaked city like these but instead its fix mounted to the base and somehow make it work like these

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I saw your pics of Greyback, yeah that feature is pretty sick. Neca does really good with Pred gimmicks, and always has tons of accessories and parts. And yeah the City Demon is stupid expensive right now, just checked on ebay and its in the hundreds now. Jesus. And I just checked on Feral there too, yeah its like between $50-80 for both the regular and blood variants right now.

all worth it though

so, my fugitive pred came in the mail today. as i was unboxing him and setting him up for display, POP! his plasma caster comes off. and i hadn’t even touched it at all. the only way to get it back together is with glue, and i have enough respect for NECA not to use that on their figures.

shitty figure from a shitty movie, i guess. i’d return it or get my money back but honestly i don’t feel like putting the effort in

NECA has some super, super shady history with money and customer service and how the head guy has treated people in the past, I would not put that much respect into them to not use super glue.

Actually this is a pretty impressive model. I’m surprised it exists.
It looks kind of like the Prowler only that there is this parasite that looks like a cross between the tail of a facehugger, the underside of a face hugger but really looks like a giant sized hammerpede that sits on its back and detachable.
This has more imagination than what we had had generations after generations of xenos in the film that really never did anything more.

Here I leave you something from my personal collection with time increasing little by little.