Nerf FT Buff Pred

Bow is god tier in the hands of a skilled player. Disk no idea with the recent changes. Now I don’t think its OP (the bow) since it takes massive skill to use right.
That said plasma caster is viable for sure. Same with melee if done right.

The problem of hitboxes and the amount of bugs for bow are still a problem, it’s not god like, just a good pred weapon.

The smart disc is the deadliest pred weapon in the game at the moment. Unfortunately, it’s highly ping dependant.
Caster is also very strong, but not op.

Jump down close to the Fireteam and just don’t have shitty aim. Quick firing will guarantee you at least two downs before you have to leap away.

Here’s someone who is godlike with the bow playing against premade teams on PC. Yes, bow has some bugs, still god tier.

Right now I don’t think any weapons is OP. Certain builds? Perhaps, don’t know since I’ve stopped playing for quite some time. I will try over the weekend with the new stuff.

Yeah, whatever.

But bow takes a lot of skill. So it’s good as it is

Not the way I just described, it doesn’t. From the trees, yes. There is no doubt that you have to have decent skill with the weapon in many scenarios.

Leaping down and strafe jumping and shooting off quick fire arrows really doesn’t take that much more skill than it does for the Fireteam member using a similar bunny hop tactic on you. The only difference is your damage output and accuracy is still really high with a quick fire arrow. This needs to change.

I’m also of the mind that impenetrable should apply to all damage types, not merely bullet-based. Some of the things illfonic has done with this game are just too “arcade game” to take seriously.

if you change that… your gonna force us to use plasma pistol spam and youll bitch about that too. So whats it gonna be johnny. Ive been having way more success with spear and disc than using the bow… the dmg is more reliable and whne all 4 ranged items are used its plasma caster with finishing touches. inmo bow isnt even needed

There are things that need to be adjusted for both Fireteam and Predator. The Fireteam seems to be harder for them to balance, due to the sheer scope of what you can end up going against as Predator.

However, quick firing the bow and the caster is just flat out cheese and shouldn’t be rewarded with the amount of damage that both can inflict. And I can’t think of a single other videogame I’ve ever played where the bow could be quick fired with such accuracy, much less adequate damage. I rarely, if ever, use the bow at close range, because of how cheap it feels using that tactic. I’ll troll with it from the trees though. Same with the wrist launcher. I don’t have many builds with either weapon to be honest. I don’t find either one that thrilling to use.

Anyone can slap on impenetrable and bunny hop plasma/arrow spam the Fireteam. The Predator is usually punished trying to do so, but the fact that it’s so easy still rewards them with a kill a majority of the time. Sometimes two, depending on the skill disparity of the Fireteam.

no no no… anymore adjusting is for patch update whores

you must really not play top tier fts

Okay, well, I guess we can keep the game this boring and shitty for all eternity then. Stale games sure do taste good. Mmm.

If I’m being honest, I find playing as Predator in this game extremely boring now. It was fun for a while, but now I’m usually just like “nope, time for Fireteam.” I don’t particularly care to wait almost ten minutes on average for a match, only for it to last as long as one of Bill Cosby’s dates.

Playing against good fireteams is fun. Or just interesting ones. I’ve decimated some of them that were hilarious to fight regardless. However, considering the fact that most of us can wipe out well over half of all fireteams on this game without breaking a sweat, I tend to play recklessly.

For instance, I’ve gone into matches with no medkits, only using the club, using melee disc as scout, you name it. Anything to try and make the matches more fun—and make them last. I can only tolerate obliterating public fireteams with my Elder for so long before it gets boring. I’m not one to enjoy easy wins. And let’s face it, unless it’s a premade, it’s an easy win.